Mecklenburg-Richmond-Surry County NcArchives News.....Death of Soldiers 1861
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Sam West January 20, 2013, 9:10 am

Fayetteville Observer, Sw -10/03/1861 1861
DEATH OF SOLDIERS.---Edward Bridges of Capt. Barnes' company from Wilson 
county, was killed by the accidential discharge of --- McWilliams' musket, of 
the same company, on the 16th, near Manassas.

At Manassas, Va., on the 8th inst., of typhoid fever, John A. Morris, aged 42 
years, of Capt. Westmorland's "Town Fork Invincibles."

At Manassas, James E Summers, Orderly Sergeant of Capt. Andrew's Iredell 

At Camp Fayetteville, near Yorktown, on the 20th ult., Mr. R. T. Gray, a 
member of the Hornets' Nest Riflemen, aged 22 years.  Also at the same place, 
Jas. K. Rea, a member of the Charlotte Grays, aged 31 years.

At Camp Ellis, Fairfax county, Va., Henry T. Thomas, of the Richmond county 
Pee Dee Guards.

At Camp Hardee, near Manassas, Va., on the 5th Sept., Lt. John W Phillips of 
Capt. Graves's Company, 11th Reg. N. C. V.  Also, on the 6th Sept., Rob't 
Herin, of Surry county, a member of the same Company.

At Graham, N. C, on the 17th ult., Mr. Wm. Howell of Caswell County, a soldier 
in Co. C, 7th Reg't N. C. State Troops.

Samuel B Pate, private in Capt. Guion's company of Artillery, stationed at 
Fort Macon, was killed on the 28th ult., by the accidental discharge of a 
rifle in his own hands.  He was acting as sentinel at the time, and came to an 
order with such force on the pavement as to fire the piece.

At Camp Fayetteville, Va, on the 22d, Mr. James B. Moore, a private in company 
D, First Regiment of N. C. Vounteers.  Mr. Moore was a student of the 
University of N. C., and would have graduated at the last commencement but for 
his volunteering.  [We inserted this heretofore, erroneously, as Duncan Moore.]

On the 18th Sept. Elias P. Barringer, of measles, followed by camp fever, a 
member of an Iredell company.  Also, on the 22d, Adolphus Douglas, private in 
Capt. Wood's Company.

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