Mecklenburg County NcArchives Military Records.....Alexander, William J. June 9, 1842 Other War Steel Creek Troop & Military Company ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank January 18, 2008, 5:00 pm Steel Creek Militia To Celebrate The Fourth FOURTH OF JULY -- At a meeting of the Steel Creek Troop and Military Company, it was resolved that the necessary arrangements be made for appropriately celebrating our national anniversary at the usual parade ground. Whereupon a committee appointed to arrange the exercise reported the following, viz: RESOLVED, that COL. WM. ALEXANDER be requested to deliver an oration and THOMAS P. GRIER, ESQ., to read the Declaration of Independence. OFFICERS OF THE DAY 1st - COL. WM. H. NEEL and MAJ. J. B. KNOX to review their respective companies 2nd - COL. WM. N. PARKS, Marshal, and MAJ. Z. A. GRIER, Assistant Marshal 3rd - COL. WM. M. GRIER, President; CAPT. A. G. NIEL and A. R. ERWIN, Vice president 4th - A dinner (Barbecue) COMMITTEE OF TOASTS -- JOHN M. POTTS, Captain; JOHN PRICE, CAPT. H. N. KNOX, DR. R. T. CHEEK, COL. JAMES A. GRIER, CAPT. THOS. P. FARIS, WM. PORTER, JOHN H. McDOWELL, and ROBERT M. SWANN. COMMITTEE OF INVITATION-- JOHN BIGHAM, JOHN S. CHEEK, WM. WADDLE, JOHN K. CAROTHERS, B. WILLIAMSON, THOMAS SIMRILL, and ALEX GRIER COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS -- THOMAS I. GRIER, ESQ., SAMUEL COX, ESQ., and ROBERT McDOWELL, ESQ. RESOLVED, That the Committees invite CAPT. ROBINSON'S Troops, CAPTAIN BROWN'S Company of Militia, the Revolutionary Soldiers and Clergy. The Ladies are very respectfuly requested to grace the celebration with their presence. RESOLVED, That party politics be entirely excluded on the occasion. RESOLVED, That the Editors of the Charlotte papers be requested to publish the above. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb