Statewide County NcArchives Military Records.....Deserters 1814 Warof1812 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank November 7, 2008, 5:50 pm Deserters Oct. 14, 1814, Raleigh Minerva War of 1812 TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLAR REWARD -- Deserted from the Rendezvous at Morganton, on the 10th of September, the following recruits (viz): NATHANIEL DYER, born in Burke County, N. C., aged 25 years, five feet ten inches high, of dark complexion, black eyes, black hair and by profession a laborer; he is uncommonly fond of ardent spirits, and when intoxicated is quite stupid: he has the first joint off of his little finger on his right hand/ WILLIAM LANE, born in Culpepper County, Va., aged 30 years, five feet ten inches high, of fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, by profession a farmer: he deserted at Wilkesboro, N. C.; the said LANE re-enlisted in Lansport, Tenn. and in Knoxville; he is in the Mississippi Territory or some of the Western States. WILLIAM POLK, born in Mecklenburg County, aged 38 years, five feet 11 inches high, of dark complexion, blue eyes, black hair and by profession, a farmer. He is lurking in Ashe County or Mecklenburg. JOHN YANTZE, born in Ashe County, aged 24 years, five feet 10 inches high, of swarthy complexion, blue eyes dark hair and by profession a blacksmith: he is gone to the State of Tennessee.- All persons will be vigilant in detecting and apprehending the said deserters; and if delivered over to any United States Officer or to me at Morganton, Fifty Dollars shall be paid for each one. It is requested that the editors of the papers of this state, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia will insert this advertisement three times in their respective papers. Morganton Rendezvous Oct. 3, 1814 A. H. BRANDON Captain, 3rd. RR This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb