Regulator Movement.....Mecklenburg Co. NC Regulators
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Mecklenburg Co. NC Regulators

Robert CARUTHERS (Mecklenburg)
  1771 part of raid that burned Gen Waddell's powder
  1771 Battle of Alamance

Benjamin W. COCHRAN
  1771 part of party that burned General Waddell's powder
  1771 Battle of Alamance

Robert DAVIS
  1771 member of party that burned General Waddell's powder
  1771 Battle of Alamance

James WHITE Jr
  1771 member of party that burned General Waddell's powder

  1771 member of party that burned General's powder

William WHITE (son of Widow White)
  1771 member of party that burned General Waddell's powder

William WHITE
  1771 member of party that burned General Waddell's powder
  1771 Battle of Alamance