Revolutionary War File of
Charles Elms/Elloms/Ellums
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Janie Elms Matthews <>

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Revolutionary War File of
Charles Elms/Elloms/Ellums

I. Letter from Calvin Jones to Dr. Hendersen of Mecklenburg County
asking him to intervene for him to purchase Charles Elloms' land
warrant of 100 acres as soon as it was awarded. Military File #137 of
Charles Elloms in NC Archives. Raleigh, June 20, 1820 Dear Sir: I
understand that a certain Charles Elloms living near Dinkin's upon
Sugar Creek in Mecklenburg was a soldier in the War of the Revolution
and for two and half years service is entitled to two hundred and
twenty eight acres of land.  If not too inconvenient will you do me
the favor on the receipt of this to call on Mr. Elloms and endeavor to
purchase his claim for me.  I am in the way of establishing such
claims and can afford to give him more than any other person I know
and it happens in this particular case as I have access to Captain
Turners will and papers that I can afford to give more for this than
for many others and much more than I can ---any president --- of
calculation will give. I have given for such claims from one third to
two --- -- dollars an acre for the, to be paid when the land is
served.  I have filled a note for two hundred dollars.  You will
bargain on the best terms you can--that sum or anything below it, and
for whatever is left you will endorse it as canceling so much of the
bond.  You may assure him he shall be paid with the utmost
punctuality.  There must be duplicate deeds executed as one must be
filed here and there in -----.  As there is no time to be lost in
laying the claims before the board of Commissioners it will be
necessary that one of the subscribing witnesses (there must be two to
this deed) should go with the deeds either to Judge Paxten in
Rutherford, or on the first Monday of July to Montgomery Court or on
the third Monday of July to Cabarrus Court and have it proved and
ordered to be registered.  If it is quite convenient to have it
registered without loss of time it may be ---, but if not let the
clerk of the court certify to its being proved under his hand of the
seal of the court on the back of this deed.  If proved before Judge
Paxten his signature will b sufficient.  When so proved and certified
you will enclose both copies to me to Raleigh as soon as ---.  This
expense of sending up the witnesses to prove the execution of the
deeds I will send you instantly on being informed of the amount.  I
hope you will be able to find some young men willing to take 2 or 3
days ride for a suitable compensation and what that shall be will be
cheerfully left to you.  A few dollars will be no object. Without
preface an apology.  I have presumed to ask you to take all this
trouble upon yourself.  Though I have not the pleasure of your
personal acquaintance with you, my connection with your brother
Thomas, the consequent correspondence and the much exp---- I have had
of the liberal feelings of your family, make me believe my presumption
will be pardoned and my request granted. I will be necessary that Mr.
Elloms should be identified as the person who served by other muster
rolls and discharges.  If you can have taken and certified the
deposition I herewith send you I can manage the rest here. This
deposition, certification and authorization you will also enclose me
by mail with an accounting all expenses of proving ---- to the clerk
for authentication, Ii. Ii. You as well as Mr. Ellems will see a part
of the ---- and expenses I am obliged to incur in prosecuting a claim
which may not be established and if established may loose the choice
of location.  I can only afford it by having many chances.  Your uncle
Meyir Hendersen lately sent his warrants to
Derten Hunt for a dollar an acre payable ---  ---- period, and they
had passed both boards of commissioners here and in Tennessee and all
expenses paid.  You will therefore obtain this claim, surrounded with
many difficulties and uncertainties, on as --- times as you can
consistently with the Justice I wish to mete to Mr. Ellems and many
other men. Your brother Col. Hendersen is now out purchasing claims
(of which nothing need be said) and I think it not unlikely that in
the course of his --- you will see him.  When I parted with him he
expressed a wish to go to Mecklenburg.  If he happens to fall in with
you in time he can witness the conveyance and bring it to Raleigh for
authentication.  But do not delay the business an hour under the
expectation of seeing him as his movements must --- the nature of his
business  is as uncertain. If Mr. Ellems objects to the form of the
deeds they may be worded to suit him.  This deed is not a warranty nor
do I want one.  My handwriting I presume is known to yourself to Mr.
Davidsen, Mr. McKnitt Alexander and many men in Mecklenburg. Charles
Elloms I understand to have lost one eye in the war. I by leave to
offer you renewed assurances of the ---- and respect of your humble
servant. (Signed)       Calvin Jones Dr. Hendersen Mecklenburg II.
Deposition from Samuel Bigham and John Harris concerning the testmony
of Charles Elms relating to his military service. State of North
Carolina Mecklenburg County Charles Elloms (Senior) personally
appeared before us Samuel Bigham and John Harris Justices of the Peace
for the county of aforesaid and being sworn according to law.  Sworn
oath say he is entitled for his service in the revolutionary war in
the NC ser--- in 1776..1777, & 1778 to 228 acres land for said
services and further says on his oath that his discharge he left with
his sister and she is removed to the western country by which means
his discharge is lost or mislaid and having no other evidence that he
knows of but the following statement of facts first inlisted under
Cat. Jacob Turner in the regiment commanded by Col. Sumner.  Cap.
Turner being killed. Cato Ballard succeded to the captaincy and
transferred to Cap Clem Hall of the 2nd regiment commanded by Col.
John Patten Lieutenant Col. Filby Harry & Hardy Murphey Major deponent
says he was discharged at a place called Continental Village the afore
named Turner was killed at a place called Germanton. his Charles X
Elloms mark Sworn to and subscribed this 27 day of September 1820
before us Samuel Bigham  JP John Harris  JP We do hereby certify that
we have known the above Chas Elloms 15 or 20 years and deem full
confidence may be attached to his deposition as a man of
respectability and truth. Sept. 27th. 1820      Samuel Bingham JP John
Harris JP On Reverse side of paper: State of North Carolina I Isaac
Alexander clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions held for
the County of Mecklenburg in the State aforesaid Do hereby certify
that Samuel Bigham and John Harris Esquires before whom the within
Depositioner was sworn to and subscribed are both Justices of the
Peace in and for said county duly qualified and that due faith and
credit is and ought to be given to their official acts. In testimony
whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office
the 28th day of September Adem 1820 Issac Alexander CMC III.  Col.
Will Polks letter to Board of Commissioners Misters Branch Haywood and
Goodwin Gentlemen. The bearer hereof Charles Elms I have known for
many years and altho' I have no distinct recollection of his being in
the line of the State of N. Carolina during Revolutionary War, yet I
have no doubt on my mind but that he served as a soldier in the war
77 & 1778 & how much longer I'm not able to say.  Should he have no
other evidence than this letter & his applicant. for deposition a for
a warrant I should have no -------- in saying that in providing him a
warrant the Board ----- do justice to an old soldier to one who in my
opinion is justly entitled
       Will Polk
IV.  Affidavit from Rowan County Pension Records, 1802 attesting to
Charles' loss of an eye. "Ellums, Charles. Certificate:  I do hereby
certify that Charles Ellums served as a soldier in the continental
line in this state, during part of the last war, that he served under
the command of Capt. Jacob Turner, to whose company I was Lieutenant,
that Cap.t TURNER was killed & the said Charles Ellums was wounded
with loss of his eye whilst in the service of the United States.
Given from under my hand this 19th Mar 1802.' (Unsigned) On Reverse:
Affidavits Mar Term 1802 Charles Biles, Joseph Owens, Thos. Dent, Rob.
Bradshaw, Jas. -----, Gaspor Collins, Isaac Linsler, Wm Webb, Tho.
Hudson, John Welch, Benj. Trotter Williams Vs Simmons" Rowan County
CRX (Miscellaneous Records-Pension Records, 1802) - File #, Box 68 NC
Genealogical Society Journal, Vol. IV, #2, May 1978, p. 131

V.   Charles grants Power of Attorney to his son, Charles. State of
North Carolina Mecklenburg County Know all men by these present that I
Charles Elloms, Sr. do apoint My Son Charles Elloms by true and lawful
attorney for me in my name to ask for and receive from the board of
commissioners (apointed by the General assembly to examine military
claims for land warrants a certificate or directions authorizing the
Secretary of State to isue a warrant for such quantity of land as they
may certify to be due me for my service in the years 1776..1777 & 1778
and as by my deposition accompanying these I claim Two Hundred and
twenty eight acres of land I do by these present grant full and ample.
_____ for me to act concerning the above mentioned military claim &
all acts an aquitance which my said attorney may do for me in the
above claim shall be as valid and binding on me as if done by myself.
I do by these present bind myself to ratify and confirm watever my
attorney may do concerning the premises hereof.  Given under my hand
and seal; this 27th day of Sept. 1820                       Charles
(his mark) Elloms Signed Sealed and declared by    Charles (his mark)
Elloms, sen. to be his power of attorney to his son Charles Ellom in
presents of us who do certify and subscribe our names as witnesses the
day and date above written. Saml. Bigham JP John Harris JP On Reverse
State of North Carolina I Issac Alexander Clerk of the Court of pleas
amd Quarter Sessions  held for this County of Mecklenburg in the State
aforesaid Do hereby certify that Samuel Bigham and John Harris
Esquires whose names are assigned to this within power of attorney are
both Justices of the peace in and for the said county acting under the
authority of the State that due faith and credit is and ought to be
given this official act. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and affixed the seal of my office the 28th day of September A Dem
1820. Isaac Alexander CMC Also on Reverse:  Charles Elms Power of att.
and Charles Elloms Power to his son Charles Elloms.