Mecklenburg County NcArchives Military.....Steele Creek Militia Plans 4th July, 1836 Celebration May 13, 1836 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank December 18, 2007, 11:47 pm May 13, 1836 Charlotte Journal May 13, 1836 STEELE CREEK MILITIA PLANS 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION -- At a meeting of the Companies of CAPTAINS NEEL and KNOX, on tuesday, the 3rd instant, it was agreed to celebrate the 4th of July at the usual Muster Ground of the Steele Creek Troop of Cavalry. Whereupon CAPT. W. H. NEEL, CAPT. J. B. KNOW, COL. W. N. PARKS, Z.A. GRIER, DR. R. T. CHEEK and M. EDWARDS were appointed a Committee to Make Arrangements; who retired, and after consultation, reported the following resolutions. RESOLVED, That the day be celebrated with an Oration and the reading of The Declaration of Independence; and that a Barbecue be prepared for the occasion. The following appointments for the day were then made: COL. WILLIAM N. PARKS, President; ANDREW GRIER AND JOHN M. POTTS, Vice Presidents; COL. WILLIAM M. GRIER and CAPT. SAMUEL COX, Marshalls; ZENAS A. GRIER to read the Declaration of Independence; R. W. McDOWELL to deliiver the Oration; Committee of Invitation -- ANDREW CAMPBELL; A. H. DINKINS; S. D. PARTLAW; J. D. SIMERAL; J. B. KNOX; J. H. McDOWELL; J. A. GRIER; T. B. PRICE; JOSEPH KNOX; A. G. NEEL; J. F. HUNTER; H. N. KNOX; J. S. CHEEK; T. H. GRIER; A. S. KING. Committee to Prepare Toasts -- COL. THHOMAS I. GRIER; JOHN HART, ESQ.; W. A. WILSON; J. H. McDOWELL, J. M. POTTS. It is expected the Ladies will countenance the celebration by their presence. They are particularly invited to attend the occasion. Steele Creek, May 7, 1836 This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb