Mecklenburg COUNTY, NC - MILITARY - Thomas Barnett, Revolutionary War 
				    Pension Application

Revolutionary War Pension Application - Thomas Barnett

[Application for Pension - Revolutionary War; transcribed from microfilmed 
copies of the handwritten documents on file at the National Archives, April 
27, 2000 by Peggy Reece Bruckner; 4th great granddaughter. Punctuation and 
spelling is as found in original document; comments in brackets]

NC - Barnett, Thomas, Service # S.8041

Declaration in order to obtain the Benefits of
the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832

On this 28th day of May 1833 personally appeared in
open Court before the justices of the Court of pleas
and quarter sessions for the county of Mecklenburg
and State of North Carolina, now sitting
Thomas Barnette, a resident of the above named county,
aged 74 years and after being duly
sworne agreable to Law doth on his oath make the
following declaration in order to obtain the Benefit
of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
I was born in Orange County N Carolina in the year 1759.
I Entered the Service of the United States in the
Spring of 1779 as a substitue in place of James Stuart.
we were ordered to Hillsborough & there unde [?]
vouz [?] in the County of Orange North Carolina
under William Harden [in Colonel Lytle's North Carolina
Regiment] Capt Thomas Barnette Lieut,
Hugh Barnette Ensign, I was orderly sergeant Col
Little of Orange County was our Col. Maj Dixon
our Maj. William Saunders ajutant, we were
Kept there between one and two months waiting for
orders, and then sent home until called. Staid some
time at home and in the same summer was called
under the same officers & when Collected was marched
towards South Carolina and when we came to the South
Line three months was near Expired and a number refused
to cross the line & some did not, we were then marched
to the City of Charleston, I Served three months & ten days
after we went into South Carolina and was discharged
in the night in a Severe thunder Storm to Keep the
Enemy from Knowing our Regiment was discharged
the Enemy was then in sight But had not stoped the
passage by Lance into the town, my discharge for this
tour I have lost, In the year 1781 I went to Guilford
County NC to see two brothers who lived there. They

[page II]

were Raising a company of Horse to supress the tories
who were doing grate damage at that time in the County
of Guilford & Chatham NC I then substituted myself
in place of a man by the name of Michem for three months
under Capt James Robinson Lieut John Barnett
Ensign William Barnette, Col Literal was our Col. Maj
Knight our Maj, and when the British under Lord
Cornwallis Came to Hillsborough I was taken prisoner
by a party of tories under the Command of Col
Piles who commanded about three Hundred men, I was
Rescued by Lus [?] troop of Horse before the got to the
British Camp. I then joined Col Malmody on Haw
River who was persuing some tories & served my tour
out and was discharged, But this discharge is also
Lost, In June 1781 I turned out volunteer in a troop
of Horse for three months under Capt Harralson, Lieut
Martin Ensign Stephen Stuart, I was orderly sergeant.
we marched into South Carolina & joined General Green
marched with him on to the Eutaw Spring & was in
the Battle on the 8th September, was sent in the time
of the ingagement to Guard about three Hundred
Personers we had taken, we Guarded them on
to Salisbury Rowan County NC we then left them
marched on home & was discharged, this discharge
I have also lost - I served in the whole some few
days over twelve months nine months of which
time I was orderly sergeant, I have no documentary
Evidence to Establish my Claims, having long since
lost my dischages. I hereby relinquish Every Claim whatever to
a Pension or annity Except the present under the act of Cong
ress passed June 7th 1732 and declare my name is not on
the pension Roll of the agency of any State

Interogatories put by the Court-

Where were you Born, I was born in Orang County N C.

[page III]

In what year were you Born-
In the year 1759. Agreeable to the record Kept by my parents

Have you any record of your age, yes in my Bible

Where did you Enter the Service, In the County of Orange
North Carolina

Where do you know reside, In the County of Mecklenburg
and State of north Carolina, which I removed to in the
year 1799.

Sworn to and subscribed in open Court this day
of May 1833

Thomas Barnett (signature)

[NOTE: Thomas Barnett was the son of
Hugh Barnett I and Margaret Currie.
Hugh II, William and John were his brothers.]

State of North Carolina
Mecklenburg County

Personally apeared in open Court now sitting for the County
& State above written, Isaih Dewese aged 70 years and after
being duly sworn doth on his oath say he was personally
aquainted with the applicant Thomas Barnette and lived
at his, Thomas Barnetts fathers, during some part of the
time which (ditto) Barnette was in the service and distinctly
remembers him being in two tours the one to Charleston
the other in the Counties of Chatham and Guilford in
this Last he was taken prisoner by the Tories

Sworne to & subscribed this 28 day of August 1833

Isaiah Dewese (signature)

[NOTE: Isaiah Deweese married Rebecca Barnett, the
half-sister of Thomas Barnett.]

State of North Carolina
Mecklenburg County

Personally appeared in open Court now Sitting for the County
& State above written Hezekiah Dewese aged 73 years
and after being duly Sworn doth on his oath say that he
saw Thomas Barnette Twice in a troup of Horse in South
Carolina during the war of the revolution in the year
1781 a short time before the battle of Eutaw Spring

Sworne to & subscribed this 28 day of May 1833

Hezekiah (X) Dewese

[NOTE: Hezekiah Deweese was the brother of Isaiah.
Both were sons of Jonathan \\Deweese Or De Wees\\ and
Rachel \\Marchant Or Merchant\\]

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Archives by: Peggy Bruckner (