Mecklenburg County NcArchives Military Records.....Keenan, Robert , Sergeant November 8, 1862
Civilwar Company K, 42nd Infantry, Regiment, N. C. T.
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Carolyn Shank August 16, 2007, 1:35 pm

Death Of Sgt. Robert Keenan
The Standard of Raleigh, Nov. 19, 1862
   DIED, on Saturday the 8th inst., at the residence of MR. JOHN E. KELLY [of 
Mecklenburg], in Sussex County, Va, near Jarrot's Depot, SGT. ROBERT KEENAN, 
from injuries received by falling from a train of cars on the Petersburg 
Railroad on the 4th inst.*

Additional Comments:
   Note: SGT. ROBERT KEENAN'S enlisted on 1 April 1862 in Company K, 42nd 
Infantry Regiment. His death in war records is given as Nov. 4th.   

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