Mecklenburg County, NC  Hannah Permelia Potts, Revolutionary War Widow's 
			 Pension Application, 1851


NARA M.804
Roll 1961

State of Georgia }
Cass County      }

On this the 12th day of February 1851 personally appeared before me L.M. 
Hood an acting judge of the Inferior Court in & for said County, Mrs. 
Hannah Permelia Potts aged ninety years, a resident of Cass County 
Georgia who being sworn according to law, declares that she is the 
widow of John Potts deceased, that her said husband was a soldier of 
the Revolutionary War under the command of one Kidgley and Norrid (as 
well as she can recollect), that he entered the army while living in 
Lawrens district SC, (does not recollect how long he served), that she 
was married to the said John Potts sometime about the 1st February 1777 
seventeen hundred and seventy seven, that her said husband died in Cass 
County GA on the 22nd of March 1839 that she makes this declaration in 
order to obtain a pension under the proper law provided in such cases, 
that she appoints F.C. Reavis of Casville Ga her agent, to ascertain what 
law to apply under & to ask of the Commissioners of Pensions her advice 
or information, instructions, in a letter, she is now entitled under 
the act of July 4th 1835

Sworn to and subscribed this day above written

                            Hannah Permelia (her x mark) Potts

D.M Hill  CSC

State of Georgia }
Cass County      }

I H.W. Cobb Clerk of the superior court of Cass County do hereby 
certify that L.H. Harrison acting justice of the Inferior Court in & 
for said county and State duly commissioned sworn in testimony whereof 
I here unto set my hand and offer thereto my seal of said Superior 
Court of said County on this the 18th day of February 1857

                                       H.W. Cobb   CLK


State of Georgia }
County of Cass   }

On this the 20th day of Sept 1852 personally appeared before me Riley 
Goss, a Justice of the peace in and for said county, Frederick C. Reavis 
who is a credible witness and after being duly sworn according to law, 
declares that he lived in North Carolina Mecklinburg County from the 
year 1818, to the year 1833 and was well acquainted with John Potts 
(& Family) who was reported to be a Revolutionary Soldier, and knew and 
lived with Letty Potts his sister who drew back pay of John Potts, for 
his service, in said war, and that there was not any other John Potts 
living in that part of North Carolina, who was old enough to go to the 
war, and that Hannah Permelia Potts, who has applied fore pension is 
John Potts widow, who was reported to be the only Revolutionary soldier 
of the name from the State of North Carolina in the section of county 
when said applicant resided sworn to and subscribed before me on the day 
and year above mention

Riley Goss J.P. }                        Frederick (his x mark) C. Reace
C.C. McRae      }

State of Georgia }
Cass County      }
I Thomas A. Ward Ordinary in and for said County and State do hereby 
certify that Riley Goss whose name is signed, oficially as a witness, on 
the above affidavit, was and acting Justice of the peace, in and for 
said county and State at the time of signing the same. In Testimony 
whereof, I hereunto set my hand & Seal of said court on this the [blank] 
day of March 1853

                                         Thomas A. Ward


State of Georgia }
Gordon County    }
On this the 19th of July 1851 before the subscribed a Justice of the 
peace in and for said county & state personally came Hannah P. Potts and 
William Potts, who being duly sworn according to law declare the following 
to be a true record as transcribed from a book kept by the Family of 
William Potts, on which the ages of the children of said Hannah Permelia 
Potts was recorded, & the said Hannah Permelia Potts, sworn that about 
ten years elapsed after her marriage to John Potts late a Revolutionary 
soldier, before her first living child was born, To wit Joshua Potts, of 
whom the following transcript is relation to and transcribed from the 
Private book recorded
Joshua Potts was born Feb'y the 8th 1792
Subscribed and sworn to this the day and year above named in presents of 
 Hannah Permelia (her x mark) Potts  W.M. Potts

State of Georgia }
Gordon County    }
I James B. Davis Clerk of the Inferior Court in and for said County, do 
hereby certify that John McC-- Esqr is an acting Justice of the peace in 
and for said county, duly commissioned and sworn In testimony whereof I 
hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of Gordon County Inferior Court 
on this 1st day of Sep 1857

                                               James B. Davis  Clk


Adairsville Ga 16th Augt 1856

To Comm's of Pensions

Dear Sir

On 4th July last I wrote to Hon. Jno. H. Lumpkin requesting to learn 
through him the condition of the claim of Mrs. Hannah Permelia Potts, 
wife of John Potts for a Pension, under Act of 7th July 1838 or 4th 
July 1836. (I am not quite shure which) she applied under and have 
rec'd no reply

Will you be so good as to inform me of the condition of that claim

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obt Serv't
Elisha King


Cassville Ga 15th Feby 1854

Jas. C. Heath

Com'sr of Pensions
Washington, DC

Dear sir, I wish to make an enquiry for Mrs. Hannah P. Potts (90 years 
of age) widow of John Potts deceased, who was a Revolutionary soldier 
From Lawrence District, S.C. under Captain Norrod or Norwood, & another 
officer by the name of Ridgeby, (these are the names) as well as 
recollected by the old lady and if thye case is as she now recollects 
it, is entitled to pension under the act (I presume) of July 4th, 1836, 
Sec. 3d 4 & 5th. I have send her power of atty for the purpose of an 
examination of the rolls to ascertain whether he is found then, your 
information is asked on the subject

                                         With much Respect I am your
                                           Obt servant
                                              James G. Reavis


Cassville Ga 16th March 1851?

Jas. E. Nash, Commissioner
Of Pensions D.C.

Dear Sir, Mrs. H.P. Potts widow of John Potts decd desires some 
information from you she supposes her husband made application for a 
pension as a Revolutioner under the law of Oct? 1832 and to know whether 
his declaration is on file though he may not have completed his proof &c 
the widow thinks his officers were "Ridgly" & "Norid or Norrod" he 
entered the army from Lawrences dist, Sc does not know the length of his 
service was married about 1 feby 1777 & that he died in 1837, 22 mar

She wishes to apply for a pension and would be glad to hear the law & 
for instructions
                                       Your obt ser't
                                      J G Reavis

"Your attention to this is respectfully solicited"


"Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files"
M804 R 1961

Potts, John - Hannah Parmelia, SC Line, R8383, widow applied 12 Feb 1851 
Cass Co GA aged 90, soldier & widow had m 1st Feb 1777 & soldier d 22 Mar 
1839 in Cass Co GA, soldier had lived in Laurens District SC at enlistment, 
a son Joshua Potts was b 8 Feb 1792, on 19 Jul 1851 in Gordon Co GA one 
Hannah & William Potts made aff'dt & stated it was about 10 yrs after 
soldier & wife had m before their 1st child Joshua was born, one Frederick 
C. Reece made aff'dt in 1852 in Cass Co GA & referred to soldier's sis 
Letty Potts


Letter found at the Archives, Atlanta, GA

Oct 24, 1956
Mrs. Mary Bryan
Dept. of Archives and History
Atlanta Georgia

Dear Mrs. Bryan:

Upon the suggestion of Mrs. Jayne Pruitt I am writing you in my effort to 
get something on William Potts who died in Henery Co, Tenn. Do you know of a
book belonging to William Potts a Rev. soldier whose sister-in-law refered
to it while she was living in Gordon Co, Ga., she being the widow of John
Potts. William Potts applied for pension while living in Jackson Co, Ga.
John Potts widow, Hannah P. applied for pension in Gordon Co, Ga.

I have an application for D.A.R. membership if I can -- the sons of William
complete. The line follows William (1) Oswald (2) John C. (3) - I have all 
proof except that one link - Oswald was b. in S.C. (census). Thanks a great
                                       Volinia W. Hays (Mrs. Felix B.)


Copyright. All rights reserved.

This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by
Guy Potts
Information provided by Sloan Spence Mason