Iredell-Mecklenburg County NcArchives Military Records.....Dickey, John October 7, 1845
Revwar - Pension 
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Joseph H. Howard May 2, 2007, 3:34 pm

Captain John Dickey Revolutionary War File
Captain John Dickey Revolutionary War File
U. S. National Archives
W 3962

9.  Letter enclosing marriage bond

[7 Oct 1845]
				Statesville 7th Oct 1845
Dear Sir
	Enclosed you will find the marriage bond of Captain Dickey.  The 
reason it was not found sooner is, that he was married by Major Thomas Harris 
who then lived in Mecklenburg N. C. not far from Capt Dickeys house in Iredell 
Co.  They went there & got married.  Some years afterward Majr Harris put up 
new buildings a few hundred yards from the old house but on the Iredell side 
of the line.  Mrs. Dickey had forgotten this circumstance which as soon as it 
came to my knowledge was looked into & I found the bond in the office in 
Mecklenburg Co where it ought to have been.  I [?] had proven Capt. Dickey 
hand write & herewith inclose this leaf with Judge Pension's certificate.  not 
that it now be of any use but for the reason that it must be made 
satisfactory.   [?] the [?] I could I think provide the hand writing by two 
other living witnesses.  Mr. Barringer will probably write you on the subject.
				Respectfully yours
				W. F. Cowan

	Know all men by these presents that we John Dickey of Iredell County & 
Thomas Harris of Mecklenburg County are held firmly bound to Richard Dobb 
Speight Governor & Commander in Chief of the State of North Carolina & his 
successors in office in the penal sum of Two Hundred Pounds.  Conditions as 
follows:  Whereas the above John Dickey & Elizabeth Leacy is about to enter 
into the state of marriage now if there is no lawful cause why they may not 
marry then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force  
& virtue.  Given  under our hands this 10th Nov 1793 Signed
					John Dickey
					Thomas Harris

State of North Carolina
Mecklenburg County          
	I C. T. Alexander Clerk of Mecklenburg County Court do hereby certify 
that the foregoing is a true & correct copy of the Bond found in my office.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto affixed my name & seal office at 
Charlotte this second day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand 
Eight Hundred forty five
					C. T. Alexander C.C.C.

State of North Carolina
Mecklenburg County
	I C. J. Fox Chairman of the County Court of Mecklenburg County do 
hereby certify that C. T. Alexander whose name appears to the foregoing 
certificate is and was at the time Clerk of said Court & the Signature 
purporting to be his is genuine & full faith & credit is and ought to give to 
his official acts as such.
	In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & [?] this Second day 
of October A.D. 1845
					C. J. Fox   C.C.C.

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