Mecklenburg County, NC - Daniel Alexander Record

Colonial Records
Declaration by Daniel Alexander concerning his military service 
in the Revolutionary War [Extract]
Alexander, Abraham
Volume 22, Pages 94-95


(Extract from Declaration of Daniel Alexander of Mecklenburg Co. 
Revolutionary Soldier. Pension Office Washington. O. W. & N. D.
Invalid File No. 2905. "Minute Man." 1778-1781.)

"I also volunteered under Captain Martin Fifer on the same duty and 
at the Moravian Town over Yadkin River and also in Guilford Co. under 
Capt. Alexander. In this duty we were 4 months employed in 1780. We 
were called out and went under the command of Major Wm. R. Daviean 
Attorney and Officer, later Minister to France, I believeto join 
Gen. Gates near Camden. Major Davie was a tall, sallow-complexioned 
man with blue eyes. On getting as far as Gaston's(?) which is near 
the South Carolina line, we met the American Army retreating. Gen. 
Gates and Major Davie had some conversation. We advanced some distance, 
when, on meeting some French Officers flying, we also joined in the 

Gen. Gates had on a pale blue coat with epaulettes, with velvet 
breeches, and was riding a bay horse. We retreated as far as Charlotte 
very much fatigued and worn down."


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