Mecklenburg-Cabarrus County NcArchives Military Records.....Black, John , Col Comd't August 30, 1836
Other War lst Regt. North Carolina Volunteers
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Carolyn Shank December 20, 2007, 10:25 am

Regimental Orders - Militia
                         REGIMENTAL ORDERS
                         Charlotte, Aug. 30th, 1836
   The Captains commanding Companies attached to the First Regiment of North 
Carolina Volunteers will parade their respective companiies in the town of 
Concord on the 23rd of September next, equipt according to law for Review and 
Inspection, each Private having 12 rounds of blank cartridges. The Regiment to 
be formed at 9 o'clock a. m. 
                         By order of
                         JOHN BLACK, Col. Comd't.
                         WM. W. LONG, Adj. 

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