Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Confederate Veterans Celebration 1902
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Charlotte Daily Observer 1902
11 Jun 1902

Confederates Celebrate the Anniversary of Big Bethel - Survivors of Companies 
B, C and K Meet and Extend Hospitality

The forty-first anniversary of the battle of Big Bethel was observed yesterday 
by some of the surviving members of Companies B, C, and K, in a very 
interesting reunion. This was held in the room of the veterans of Mecklenburg 
Camp, which had been decorated for this occasion. The beautiful Confederate 
battle flag presented to the veterans by the Children of the Confederacy 
occupied a prominent place on the wall, while near it hung the flags that had 
belonged to the Charlotte Grays and the Hornet's Nest Riflemen. 

These flags were carried through the war by these companies, and now, tattered 
and battle-stained, are tenderly cherished by the men who followed them in 
battle. The flag of the Charlotte Grays was made by Miss Howell, now Mrs. L.W. 
Sanders, of this city, and was presented by her to the company before they 
left Charlotte for Raleigh. Yesterday many of the veterans spoke with the 
pride of the day it was given to them, and of how they had said, "We may died 
in defense of our flag but we will never disgrace it!" Though nearly half of 
this company was left on the battle fields of Virginia, yet the way in which 
they guarded their standard will always be a source of pride to the survivors.

The meeting was called to order by Mr. L. Leon, and was organized by electing 
Capt. W.B. Taylor to act as chairman, and Mr. R.N. Tiddy as secretary. The 
roll of the three companies was called, and the following named answered as 
the representatives of their respective companies:

Company B - J.E. Caldwell, J.W. Sheppard, R.N. Tiddy, W.J. Wiley, J.H. Potts, 
W.M. Matthews, R.B. Caldwell, S.A. Grier.

Company C - D.P. Glenn, W.B. Taylor, L. Leon, J.M. Simms, J.F. Orr, R.H. Flow, 
J.M. Earnhardt, S.E. Todd, J.G. McCorkle, C.M. Guery, M.R. Alexander, W.D. 

Company K - J.F. Reinhardt, B.F. Grigg, M.A. Bland, L.J. Hoyle, W.A. Smith.

C.M.I. cadets - N. Gibbon, and from Company A, Thirty-second Virginia Regiment 
was a representative, W.P. Morrow, who was present at the battle of Bethel.

The late W.A. Owens, who belonged to Company B, had as a body servant in the 
war, a faithful slave, John T. Smith. John went with his master to the army, 
and became the cook of Company B. He is a type of a race rapidly passing away -
 a loyal old-time slave. He was present at the meeting and thoroughly enjoyed 
being once more with the soldiers he had served.

An address was delivered by Colonel J.W. Sheppard, who had come from Winston 
to be present on this occasion. He earnestly advocated a reunion to be held 
each year on June 10th. He was followed by Mr. Louis Leon, who heartily 
endorsed this proposal, and who then gave a highly humorous account of the 
early experiences of the Charlotte Grays, and deplored their inability to 
discriminate in the ownership of property. His reminiscences of their first 
experiences in trench-digging, tree-falling and honey-stealing were heartily 
enjoyed by his comrades, who had taken an active part in those proceedings.

Mr. Gibbon spoke of some of the incidents of the battle of Bethel and Mr. J.H. 
Potts told of some of the things he witnessed there.

A motion was carried that this reunion be held each year, and a committee to 
have charge of this was appointed, consisting of R.B. Caldwell, R.N. Tiddy, L. 
Leon, R.H. Flow, L.J. Hoyle, M.A. Bland and N. Gibbon. A central committee, to 
which this one is to refer, consists of W.B. Taylor, L. Leon, and M.A. Bland.

There were present at the gathering several ladies among whom were Mesdames 
E.C. Register, A.H. Wearn, W.D. Stone, L. Leon, A.L. Smith, DeLane, W.A. 
Owens, Misses Fanny and Alice Simms, Maggie Taylor, Minnie Stone and Beriba 

After the question of an annual reunion had been settled, delightful 
refreshments were served, and a most pleasant hour was spent by all. Captain 
Taylor extended a vote of thanks to the ladies who had met with the veterans 
at this reunion, and expressed a wish to have them be with the veterans again. 
It was a matter of deep regret to all, that Mrs. Stonewall Jackson and Mrs. 
Rufus Barringer were unable to be present.

A great deal of cream and cake was left, and, with their characteristic 
thoughtfulness, the veterans sent it to the widow of one of their comrades and 
to the children of the Day Nursery.

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