Charles Elms/Elloms/Ellums Rev. War Pension Record from the National
File contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by:
Janie Elms Matthews <>

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Charles enlisted in the Warren County, NC area, but by the mid to early
1790's he and his family had moved to Mecklenburg County, NC where he
lived until his death in 1836.

National Archives Pension Records I.  First document  filled in Oct.
11, 1904 "North Carolina Charles Elms, decd, of the State of  (blank)
who was a Private in the  (blank) commanded by Captain  (blank) in the
Revolution NC Line Inscribed on the Roll of Fayetteville at the rate of
80 Dollars -- Cents per annum to commense on the 4th day of March, 1831
and ending 6th January 1836. Certificate of Pension issured the 9 day
of March 1852 and sent to Col. J. Y. Bryant {Revolutionary Claim} {
Act June 7, 1832    } II.  Application for a new certificate of pension
by Charles Elms State of N Carolina Mecklenburg County On this 7th day
of December 1821 before me the subcribed. A Justice of the peace for
the said county of Mecklenburg personally appeared Charles Elms who on
his oath declared that he is the same person who formerly belonged to
the company commanded by Captain John Rhodes in the regiment commanded
by Col. Jethro Sumner in the service of the United States.  That his
name was placed on the pension roll of N. Carolina but has never rec.d
a formal certificate and now wants to receive one. Sworn to and
subscribed on this     Charles (his mark) Elms the day and year
aforesaid Wm.  Davidson

III. Clerk of Court's Statement State of No. Carolina I Issac Alexander
Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions held for the County of
Mecklenburg in the State aforesaid do hereby certify that William
Davidson Esquire before who the within deposition was sworn to and
subscribed is and was at this time of attesting the--- an acting
Justice of the peace in and for said county duly qualified that all due
faith and credit is an ---  ---   his official acts. In testimony
...7th day of December 1821. Issac Alexander CMC On Bottom half of
paper State of No Carolina Mecklenburg County I Samuel McComb a Justice
of the peace in and for the County of Mecklenburg and Chairman of the
County Court do hereby certify that Isaac Alexander who signed the
above certificate is and was at the time he signed the same the Clerk
of the Court of pleas and quarter sessions of said county of
Mecklenburg... Sworn  and sealed on the 8th day of January 1822.