Mecklenburg County NcArchives Military Records.....Clark, Benjamin March 1834 Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Poquette July 18, 2006, 11:23 am Pension Application Of Benjamin Clark, Natl Archives Microseries M804, Roll __, Application #S3155 Monroe County, Tennessee, March 19, 1834, Benjamin Clark, aged 71 years on the 19th April next: That he was born in Pennsylvania (county not known) in the year 1763. He has a record of his age in his possession, made by his father. He was living in Mecklenburg County, NC when he was called into service, where he remained until the year 1816, when he moved I ?Knox County where he lived till 4 years ago, when he moved into said county of Monroe. In the fall of 1779 he thinks , he was drafted for 3 months to march down to Wilmington against the British. Charles Alexander was his captain, James Robinson lieutenant. Thomas Harris was his major, and so well as he remembers, Joseph Graham was colonel. They marched from Mecklenburg county down to Pedee, and after crossing Pedee they pursued (together with some troops whom they met) Colonel Fanning, who had a company of Tories under his command. They then marched on through Randolph county and other counties. Before they got to Wilmington, an express came that the British had left Wilmington and they returned on homewards. They were, in a few days after their return ordered to Charlotte courthouse to guard British prisoners, whom they took on near to Guilford, when another guard relieved them. They were somewhere about Salisbury when there time expired. He served out the term of 3 months, but remembers getting no written discharge and thinks none of the company got any. About the time of the expiration of his 3 months term, perhaps a little before his return home, word came that his brother Joseph, who was in service in the cavalry in South Carolina under Colonel Wade Hampton was unwell, that he had to leave service and go into the hospital or get someone in his place. Applicant went immediately and took his placed and served the balance of his term, amounting to, he thinks, at least 4 months. His said brother's term was for 10 months, and whether rendered under the state of South Carolina or the north, he does not know. When he reached the troops, he found that his brother's horse had died, and applicant rendered the 4 months service on foot in the company of Captain Alexander. The service was rendered in Orangeburg on the waters of Black River, guarding public property, where they remained until the term expired. His brother for whom he rendered service has been dead 4 or 5 years. In addition to the 7 months service stated above, applicant was engaged in the year 1780 or thereabouts, in various scouting parties against British and Tories. In this service under Captain John Harris and Lieutenant James Robinson, he was engaged at least 1 month. This service was rendered about the time, some before and some after, the Battle of King's Mountain, 8 months in all. He received no discharges on either cases. Supposed the 10 months men were discharged, but not being with them, does not know. This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb