Rowan Co. NC & McMinn CO. TN - William Crye - Revolutionary War Pension

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Submitted by:  Anita Crye Green
                                WILLIAM CRYE
   State of Tennessee, county of McMinn, on this 4th day of June
   personally appeared in open Court, before the Justice of the County
   Court of said county, William Crye, a resident of said county and
   state, aged about seventy nine years, who being first duly sworn
   according to law, doth, on his oath, make the following declaration,
   in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress, passed June 7,
   That he entered the service of the United States under the following
   named officers, and served as herein stated. In the year seventeen
   hundred and seventy six, he joined a volunteer company commanded by
   Capt. William Hagan. (Hearn Alexander or He and Alexander) were
   Colonel Commandant. This was in the county of Mecklinburg and state of
   North Carolina. During the service, declarant was marched to Cross
   Creek, when the company was distained for some and marched to the
   encampment of Col. Martin. When a number of the Volunteers were
   selected and sent to Wilmington - from this place declarant was sent
   home, having charge of the wagons as issuing commissary, this over a
   service of three months. Declarants next service was in an excursion
   against the Indians in South Carolina commanded by Capt John William
   Hagan, Capt. John Drummond of S. Carolina with a company formed a
   junction and marched with us. They first stopped at Princy Fort in
   what is now called Granville District. Our next place of stopping was
   at Woffords Fort, whence our companies made frequent excursion. Near
   the last mentioned fort we were discharged. Our high officers when
   discharged was Col. Neil, Leiut Ezikiel Polk, and General Williamson.
   Declarant received no written discharge, nor does he recollect his
   precise time of service, but believes it more than two months. He
   received from the Lieutenant Col. Polk (_______) dollars and a half
   and was informed by him then was still some due, but he never received
   it. In Seventeen hundred and eighty, declarant was drafted to join
   General Gates army but procured a substitute who was received in his
   stead who served three months under officers not recollected.
   Declarant was next drafted and entered the service as a horseman under
   Capt John Foster/Fostis who was in company with Capt. Robert Daves
   whose business it was to scour this country in search of Tories and
   outlaws (out-liess), this was also a service of three months. In
   eighteen hundred and eighty one he was drafted for the East Wilmington
   expedition under Col. Erwin, Leiut William Fagan & Mag Harris from
   which he was discharged by furlough with but a few days service.
   Declarant was born in the Isle of Man, raised in Chester County
   Pennsylvania, removed thence to Mecklinburg Co. NC, then to Burke in
   the same state, thence to Granville Dist, SC, thence to Burke again,
   then on to Hale County in GA and thence to where he now resides.
   Declarant was born in seventeen hundred and fifty four.
   He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity
   except the present, and declares that his name is not on the Pension
   Roll of the Agency of any state. Sworn to and subscribed the 4th day
   of June, 1833, signed Wm Crye
   We Drummond Dorsey, a clergyman residing in the county and state
   aforesaid, and Samuel Blackburn residing as aforesaid, hereby certify
   that we are well acquainted with William Crye who has subscribed and
   sworn to the above declaration; and we believe him to be about seventy
   nine years of age; that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood
   where he resides, to have been a soldier of the Revolution, and that
   we concur in that opinion. Sworn to and subscribed the 4th day of June
   And the Court do hereby declare their opinion, after investigating the
   matter, and putting the interrogatories prescribed by the War
   Department, that the above applicant was a revolutionary soldier, and
   served as he states. And the Court further certifies, that it appears
   to them that Drummond Dorsey who has signed the preceding certificate,
   is a Clergyman, that he and Samuel Blackburn who has also signed it,
   are resident as they therein state, and that their statement is
   entitled to credit.
                              TENNESSEE #3289
   Sarah Crye, widow of William Crye, deceased, a pensioner, Act 7 June
   1836, who died on the 29, August 1835 of McMinn County, state of
   Tennessee, who was a private in the company commanded by Captain
   Drummond of the Regiment commanded by Col. Stouter in the NC line for
   5 months Infantry, 3 months Cavalry, inscribed on the Roll of
   Knoxville at the sase of 29 dollars, 16 cents per _____ to commence on
   the 29th day of Aug 1835. Certificate of Pension offered the 16 day of
   April 1840, guest ot Hon. J. W. Blackwell, H. Reprt.
                     STATE OF TENNESSEE, McMINN COUNTY
   This 18th day of December in the year 1839, personally appeared before
   me John McGaukey as acting Justice of the Peace in and for said
   county, Sarah Crye, a resident of Bradley County of McMinn aged 80
   (seventy seven) about eighty years, who being first duly sworn
   according to laws doth on her oath make the following declaration in
   order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by acts of
   Congress, passed July 4th 1836 and May 3rd 1837 and also of all other
   acts of congress upon the same subject. That she was married to
   William Crye who served sometime as a soldier during the War of the
   American Revolution and was receiving at the time of his death a
   pension of about (as she believes) twenty nine dollars from the
   government of the United States. Said sum of money being paid him by
   the pension agent of East Tennessee at Knoxville; and that all the
   papers which evidenced her husband's right to said allowance from
   Government are filed in the pension office at Washington City owing to
   which circumstances it is out of his power to specify with exact
   certainty the time when he entered or how long he continued in
   service, so which information, she supposes can easily be requested by
   referenced to the public records at Washington, her husband's name,
   William Crye, and the Agent of East Tennessee who paid him the sum
   allowed by Government being known. She further declares that she was
   married to the aforesaid, William Crye, on the 8th day of April in the
   year 1779 after which time he became a soldier in the War of the
   American Revolution, and that she was a widow on the 4th day of July
   in the year 1836 and still remains a widow is with more fully appears
   by reference affidavit this day made by John Crye which she hopes will
   accompany this declaration. She further states that she believes her
   husband served in a Captain Fortis Company under the command of
   General Martin if she mistakes not, in the State of North Carolina,
   sworn to and subscribed before me day and year above written,
   interline before signed, J. McGaughty, Justice of Peace, Sarah Crye,
   her mark
   State of Tennessee I, J.B. Jackson, clerk of McMinn County, the county
   court for the County and State of aforesaid certify that John McGaugly
   whose name appears the written is an acting Justice of the Peace in
   and for said county and was at the time of signing the same, duly
   elected sworn and commissioned full faith and credit is due all his
   official acts as such given under my hand and seal of officer at
   office in Athens, this 25th day of 1839.
   I Julius W. Blackwell, a representative in the 26th Congress of the
   U.S. from the fourth Congressional Dist of Tenn do certify that, J.B.
   Jackson is Clerk of the County Court of McMinn Co. TN and that he
   signature to the above certificate is in my opinion the proper hand
   write of his depenty, given under my hand and seal this s20 January
   State of Tennessee, McMinn County, this day, December 18th in the year
   1839 personally appeared before me, John McGauhey and acting Justice
   of the Peace in and for said county, John Crye, who after being duly
   qualified, disposed and says first, said Cry deposes that his brother
   William Crye, a soldier in the War of the American Revolution and for
   several years before his death, which took place in the 30th day of
   August in the year 1835 a pensioner upon the Governments of United
   States was married in the year 1779 to Sarah Higgins with whom he
   lived till the day of his death. Said John Crye, the affiant further
   says that he was present at the marriage of his brother William and
   the aforesaid Sarah and that it took place in the County of
   Mecklinburg, State of North Carolina and was good and legal as the
   records of that county will show if they have not been destroyed, that
   his brother William died whilst a pensioner on the 30th day of August
   in the year 1835, leaving his wife a widow now residing in the county
   of Bradley, and state first aforesaid, sworn to and subscribed before
   one day and year above written, inter tinso before signed, J.
   McGauhey, Justice of Peace. Signed, John Crye
