Mecklenburg CO. NC - Revolutionary War Pension - Caleb Holbrook

Transcription of Revolutionary War records of Caleb Holbrook
	- William L. "Bill" Stephenson, Jr.
December 11, 1999

N.C.  Holbrook Caleb   R5116
5116 Drucilla Holbrook

Georgia Drucilla Holbrook
let. To W. Maltbie 16 Sep 1841

5116  Act 1838

M.  339 3 Sept 16

16 Sept 1841

Pension offices

>From John Bell
Secretary of war
Washington City DC

				Lawrenceville Sept. 8th 1841
Dear Sirs

You will receive enclosed the Declaration of Mrs. Drucilla Holbrook an
applicant for five years pension. Mrs. Holbrook is very infirmed and
dependent upon her neighbors for daily bread.  Mr. Baker whose affidavit
is annexed is a pensioner and was til his infirmities prevented an
official member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and has always been
considered a man of undoubted faith and veracity.  Should the testimony
be sufficient to establish Mrs. Holbrook claim (as I trust it is) you
will have the goodness to forward her Certificate directed to me at this
place.  I have acted as Agent for the Pensioners in this County since the
passage of the act of 1832 when their number was about thirty now reduced
to eight or ten.  The oldest among this number was John Davis who was
born in this County with Geo. Washington and fought with him at Braddocks
defeat and died a few weeks since aged one hundred & ten years.

                                                 Very respectfully
                                                 Your Obedient
                                                  Wm. Maltbie

Hon: John Bell
        Secretary of War


Gwinnett County

Personally came before me  Jesse R. Hunnicutt a Justice of the Peace in &
for said County Elias Baker who being duly sworn deposeth and saith that
he was well acquainted with Caleb Holbrook during the Revolutionary war
particularly in the years 1774, 1775, 1776, 1777 and until his death
which occurred about twenty seven ago.  That the said Caleb Holbrook
served a tour of duty in person against the Cherokee Indians for the term
of three Months.  Said tour was performed sometime in the Fall of 1774 or
1775 in the militia under the following named officers Capt. John Fifer
and General Rutherford.  Said Holbrook lived at that time in Mecklenburgh
County N. C.  Deponent further swears that some time in the Spring of
1779 said Caleb Holbrook enlisted in the regular services of the United
under Major Nelson in Mecklenburgh County N. C. and that he hired his
brother Vachel Holbrook to perform nine months tour that Major Nelson
marched said Vachel & others to the main Army under General Lincoln.
Deponent as a militia man under Capt. Joseph White & Benjamin Knox, 1st
Lieut. and Benjamin Baker 2nd Lieut. joined the main Army above Augusta
where he say said Vachel Holbrook in the service and frequently saw said
Vachel in the Army while marching down the Savannah River and at the
battle of Stone and deponent knows that said Vachel Holbrook served out
his nine months tour and was regularly discharged.  Deponent further says
that said Vachel Holbrook was a private in said Army. And Deponent
further swears that he was well acquainted with Caleb Holbrook and
Drucilla Baker before they were married & that Drucilla Holbrook the
present applicant for a pension is the widow of the said Caleb Holbrook.
And that she was never married since the death of the said Caleb.
Deponent saith that he did not see said Caleb & Drucilla married but that
he lived within one mile of said parties when they were married which was
in April 1779 and that as they said & deponent verify believes were
married by Martin Fifer a Justice of the Peace in Mecklenburgh County N.
                                                (signed) Elias Baker
                                                           his mark
Sworn to and subscribed before me 
this 14th day of August 1841
Jesse R. Hunnicutt, J. P.

Gwinnett County

Personally came before Jesse R. Hunnicutt a Justice of the Peace in & of
said County Sarah Baker who being duly sworn saith that Caleb Holbrook &
Drucilla Baker were married in about 1779 by Martin Fifer a Justice of
the Peace in Mecklenburgh County N. C. That Caleb Holbrook was her
brother and that she lived within about one mile of the above named
parties when they were married.  And that they lived together as man &
wife until said Caleb Holbrook died which was about twenty seven years
since. And that said Drucilla has never since married.
                                              (signed) Sarah Baker
                                                         her mark
Sworn to & Subscribed before me
this 14th day of August 1841
Jesse R. Hunnicutt J. P.

I Jesse R. Hunnicutt do hereby certify that Elias Baker and Sarah Baker
are persons of respectability and undoubted truth & vivacity and entitled
to full credit in all of these statements.  Given under by hand & seal
this 14th day of August 1841.

                                                      Jesse R. Hunnicutt J. P.



In order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress of the 7th of July
1838 entitled "as act granting half pay to certain widows"

State of Georgia
Gwinnett County

On this 6th day of September Eighteen hundred and forty one personally
before us Justices of the Inferior Court for said County and State
Drucilla Holbrook a resident of said County aged Seventy eight years who
being first duly sworn, according to law, doth, on her oath make the
following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision
made by the Act of Congress passed July 7th 1838 entitled "An act
granting half pay and pension to certain widows" That she is the widow of
Caleb Holbrook who was a private in the war of the revolution and
performed these services hereinafter specified vic: That in the fall of
the year 1774 or 1775 the said Caleb Holbrook served a tour of three
months duty as a private in the militia against the Cherokee Indians
under the following named officers Capt. John Fifer and General
Rutherford that she then lived in Mecklenburgh County N. C.  That
sometime in the Spring of 1779 said Caleb enlisted as a private in
Mecklenburgh County N. C. under major Nelson in the regular service of
the United States to perform nine months duty. That he hired his brother
Vachel Holbrook to perform said nine months tour - that Major Nelson
marched the said Vachel and others to the main Army above Augusta Ga that
said Army marched down the Savannah River and through a part of the State
of South Carolina. And that said Vachel Holbrook was engaged in the
battle of Stone Ferry: And deponent further states that he served nine
months in the United States Army and that he was regularly discharged.
She further declares that she was married to the said Caleb Holbrook in
April 1779: that the marriage took place in Mecklenburgh County N. C. and
was consumated by Martin Fifer Esquire a Justice of the Peace for said
county: that her husband the aforesaid Caleb Holbrook died about twenty
seven years since; that she was married to him as above stated and that
the marriage took place previous to the first day of January Seventeen
hundred and ninety four.  Sworn and subscribed in the day and year above
written in open court before us.
                                             (signed) Drucilla Holbrook
(signed) John C. Whitworth J.I.C.                           her mark
             Saml. C. Dunlap J.I.C.
R.  D. Wisser J. I. C.
Saml. F. Alexander J. I.C.

Gwinnett County

I Riley S. Baker Clerk of the Inferior Court for said county do hereby
certify that forgoing declaration was sworn to and subscribed in open
Court by Drucilla Holbrook. And that Jesse R. Hunnicutt whose signature
(as a subscribing witness) apt was in the foregoing affidavit of Elias
Baker and Sarah Baker is and was at the time of subscribing the same as
acting Justice of the Peace in & for said County and that full faith &
credit ought to be had and given to his attention as such.  Given under
my hand & Seal of office this 6th day of September 1841.
                                         (signed) Riley S. Baker C.I.C.

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