Mecklenburg County, NC - Valentine Hipp Revolutionary War Pension, 1832


April 21, 1933

Mrs. J.W. Dunlap
Ansonville, NC

Dear Madam:

By request of Honorable Josiah William Bailey you are herein furnished
the Revolutionary War records of Valentine Hipp.

The data which follow were obtained from papers on file in the pension
claim R.5042 based upon the military service of Valentine Hipp.

He was born in May 1760 somewhere on the Santee River in South
Carolina. The names of his parents were not given. When he was very
young he moved to Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

While living in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina he enlisted in
the summer of 1780 and served with the North Carolina troops at 
various times, amounting to nine months and fourteen days in all,
as private under Captains Thomas Givens, Robert Irwin, Charles
Polk and Major Joseph Graham; he was in the battles of Ramsour's
Mill and Cowan's Ford.

He was allowed pension on his application executed August 29, 1832
at which time he was living in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.

Valentine Hipp died November 9, 1838.

This soldier married in Mecklenburg County, North Carlina about
1785, Margaret, her maiden name not stated. She died May 29, 1844.

They had the following children: Andrew born about February, 1786;
Nancy, who married Jackson Westmoreland; John; Robert, living in 
Mecklenburg County in 1848; Margaret, who married Jessey Johnson;
Mary; Joseph; Willian N., aged forty-seven or forty-eight in 1851 
and living in Mecklenburg County.

In 1848 one John Hipp stated that he was married October 15, 1799
and that Valentine and Margaret Hipp then had six children, the
first six named above.

Very truly yours,

A.D. Hiller
Assistant to Administrator

Source: HeritageQuest Online


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