Mecklenburg County NcArchives Military Records.....Clark, Joseph December 1835
Revwar - Pension 
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Pension Application Of Joseph Clark, Natl Archives Microseries M805, Roll __, Application #W8608
Giles County, Tennessee, December 1st, 1835, Mrs. Ruth Clark, aged 79 years in 
April last: I, Ruth Clark, widow of Joseph Clark to the best of my knowledge 
and belief, that my husband, Joseph Clark was a private in the Army of the 
Revolution and entered the service as a volunteer or regular in what was called 
the 10-months State Troops of South Carolina. That he volunteered or enlisted 
in Mecklenburg County, NC and entered the service during the spring of 1781. He 
was under the command of Captain William Alexander and Andrew Alexander was his 
1st lieutenant and belonged to the regiment under the command of Colonel Wade 
Hampton and attached to the brigade of General Thomas Sumter.

That he was engaged in several minor scrimmages' [skirmishes?] during which 
was the taking of Orangeburg _____ _____ of the British and Tories, was at the 
Siege of Ninety-Six and serving in that occasion in the horse services under 
Colonel William Washington. When he entered the service he was marched into 
South Carolina under the officers first mentioned, and he marched through 
different portions of the state and also some parts of Georgia, and the latter 
part of his service was under General Wayne, ____ _____ and Habersham, and that 
as the time for which he had volunteered or enlisted expired, he was on the ?
Altamaha River in the state of Georgia and was marched from thence to the 
Congaree River in the state of South Carolina, and was there discharged, 
serving in the whole, 10 months.

His discharge is not to be found, having been lost or mislaid. The said Mrs. 
Ruth Clark further declares that she knows of no documentary evidence to prove 
the above ____ services, but relies on the evidence of Mr. Hugh King for proof 
of the above stated facts. She further declares that she was married to the 
said Joseph Clark on the 2nd day of April, 1789, and that her husband, the 
aforesaid Joseph Clark, died on the 22nd day of September, 1826

Additional Comments:
She presented the pages from his Bible as evidence of her children's birth 

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