Mecklenburg County, NC - Hugh Forbes Revolutionary War Petition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Legislature/General Assembly Papers Session from Dec 1826 to Feb 1827 Box 5 NC Archives Revolutionary War Petitions State of North Carolina Mecklenburg County This day came Hugh Forbes, and Samuel Givens before me David Howey one of the acting Justices of the peace in and for said County, and being duly sworn saith on their Oaths, that the sd Hugh Forbes served as a Regular Soldier, Ten Months during the Revolutionary War; under General Sumpter, in Colonel Waid Hampton Regiment and Captain Jacob Burnots Company, the service which he this sd Hugh Forbes done was in the years 1781 & 1782- And the said Samuel Givens saith on his oath that he was with the sd Hugh Forbes during sd term of service. And that the sd Hugh Forbes is in very reduced circumstances as to property; is old & infirm, and is not able to make a living by hard labour, and is likes to suffer from want & C Subscribed to before me this 19th day of November 1826 Hugh Forbes David Howey jp Samuel Givens To the Honorable The General Assembly of North Carolina The petition of Hugh Forbes respectfully herewith unto your honorable body that he served his country as soldier during the revolutionary war. He then was a citizen of Mecklenburg where he now resides. He served ten months in the company was wounded by Capt Barnett and in the Regiment of Wade Hampton. He is now old and infirm and poor unable to support himself unless assisted by the Charity of others. He prays your honorable body to take under consideration his revolutionary services and present conditions and grant to him such and as ___ just & proper Hugh Forbes ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Guy Potts ______________________________________________________________________