Mecklenburg County NcArchives Military Records.....Grier, Wm. M. September 29, 1837
Other War 1st Regt. Volunteers (Cavalry)
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Carolyn Shank December 26, 2007, 4:52 pm

Military Review, New Officers
 Sept. 29, 1837 -- Charlotte Journal
    On Wednesday last, the Regiment of Cavalry, under the command of COL. 
WILLIAM M. GRIER, the 1st Regiment of Volunteers, under LT. COL. QUERY, and 
the 68th Regiment of Militia, under COL. SLOAN, were reviewed by BRIG. GEN 
ALLEN. The day was fine for the occasion, but rather dusty. The Cavalry made 
their usual fine appearance., -- The Volunteer Regiment did not make so fine 
an appearance as usual, owing to the disbanding of several companies belonging 
to it -- we are sorry to see its ranks so thin. The Militia made their usual 
appearance. A large number of the fair sex condescended to enliven the scene 
with their presence. --Their appearance was even more formidable than our 
military  friends. The day passed off without accident, as far as we have 
    At a Court Martial, held after the parade, the officers of the regiment of 
Cavalry, we understand COL. GRIER resigned his commission. The following 
officers were elected: JOHN O. WALLACE, Col. Comd't; ALEX G. DAVIS, Lt. Col.; 
and ZENAS A GRIER, Major.

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