Mecklenburg COUNTY, NC - MILITARY - Rev. Pension - James Sloan
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Revolutionary War Pension Record for James Sloan (Frances), 
North Carolina R9662

Transcribed from copy of original by Tony Abruscato

North Carolina 23.701
James Sloan, Mecklenburg County in the State of North Carolina. He was a 
private in the [blank] commanded by Captain [blank] of the Regiment 
commanded by Col. Middleton in the militia.

Entered on the Roll of North Carolina for the sum of 53 Dollars 33 Cents 
per annum to commence on the 4th day of March 1831.

Certificate of Pension issued the 22d day of March __
__ to the 4th of March ___	159.99
__ allowances ending		 26.67


{Revolutionary Claim, Act June 7, 1832} Recorded by Nath. Rice clerk in
Book E Vol. __ page 74

Page 2
___ in order to obtain the Benefit of Congress passed June 7th, 1832.
State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County.

On this 26th day of February 1833 personally appeared in Open Court James 
Sloan before the Justices of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Session now 
sitting for the County of Mecklenburg & State of North Carolina and after 
being duly sworn doth on his oath make the following testament in order to 
obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832.

I was born in the State of Pennsylvania in the year 1761. My parents 
removed to Mecklenburg County when I was young. I entered the service of 
the United States in the year 1780 under General Rutherford & Col. Locke, 
Stephen Alexander Capt. In this force I served there nearly three months. 
Later I served as a volunteer. I then enlisted again as a volunteer for 
three months. I served under General Green, Capt. Potts & was in the 
Battle of Guilford Court House and then in the year 1781 I enlisted with 
Capts. Sloan and Moore, was then in Col. Middleton's Regiment for two 
months and was marched into the State of South Carolina & joined General 
Sumpter, was at the taking of Orangeburgh from General __ Columbia & there 
took Thompson's Fort in three months & I was in Middleton's defeat from 
that on to Eutaw and was in the Battle at Eutaw Springs. I served this 
force ten months & was discharged.

I have no documentary evidence having long since __ my __. I hereby 
relinquish every claim whatever to a pension or annuity, except the 
present and under the Act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832 declare that 
my name is not on the Pension Roll of the Agency of any State.

Page 3		
Interrogations of the Court
1. Where and in what year were you born?	I was born in the State of 
Pennsylvania in the year 1761.

2. Have you any record of your age? Not now, my mother removed to the 
State of Tennessee & took my __ in her Bible.

3. Where were you living when called into service? I was living in the 
County of Mecklenburg of North Carolina where I now live.

4. How were you called into service? I first served three months volunteer 
& again served three months volunteer. I then enlisted for ten months.

1780	3 months	General Rutherford

	3 months	General Green, Mecklenburg

1781	10 months	Col. Middleton, Maj. Moore, NC

Sworn to and subscribed the day and year above written.

State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County.	
We, Walter S. Pharr a clergyman and James Doherty both of the county and 
state above named hereby certify that we are well acquainted with James 
Sloan who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration and we believe 
him to be the age as stated by him and he is respected & liked in the 
neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution and 
we concur.

That opinion sworn to & subscribed.	/s/ Walter S Pharr, James Doherty

Page 4 		....... for the County of Mecklenburg and State of North 
Carolina do hereby declare their decision of the investigation of the 
matter and after putting the interrogatories __ by the __ ___ the above 
named James Sloan was a Revolutionary soldier and __ ____ __ the Court __ 
__ certify that William S. Pharr who signed the necessary Certificate is a 
clergyman and resides in the above named county and state and that James 
Doherty who has signed the same is a resident of likewise the same and 
they are creditable men and their statements are entitled to credit.

State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County} On this 2d day of February 
1833 personally appeared in open court James Gillespie, aged 72 years, and 
after being duly sworn doth on his oath make the following statement. 
James Sloan the above named applicant did serve a ten months tour in South 
Carolina and was at the Battle of Eutaw Springs in company with myself. 
Sworn to and subscribed /mark/ James Gillespie.

State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County}
On this 24th day of Nov 1833 personally appeared in Open Court after being 
duly sworn doth on his oath sayeth that the applicant James Sloan did in 
the year 1780__ __ ___ __ __ John Gardner. Sworn to and subscribed __ __ 
__ __ __.

Page 5
State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County}

On this 26th day of November 1833 personally appeared in Open Court before 
the Justices of the Court of Pleas and Quarter sessions for the state and 
county above mentioned. Captain William Alexander a resident of the county 
and state above written aged 84 and after being duly sworn makes the 
following statement. I was authorized to train a company of enlisted men 
for ten months. Captain Moore was also authorized among the men enlisted 
by Moore the before mentioned applicant James Sloan was one. This was in 
the year 1781 I saw him in the service under Col. Middleton & General 
Sumpter. I believe he served his full term.

I Bealy Oates Clerk of the Court of pleas and quarter sessions for the 
County of Mecklenburg and State of North Carolina do hereby certify that 
the foregoing was obtained from the original testimony of said court in 
the matter of the application of James Sloan for a pension under the act 
of Congress of the 7th June, 1832.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my name and affixed the seal of 
my office at Charlotte the 26th day of November AD 1833.	
			/s/ Bealy Oates

I am personally acquainted with James Gillespie and William Alexander, the 
subscribing witnesses and know them to be respectable & creditable men.	
			/s/ Henry W. __

Page 6		12840	Frances Sloan dec'd, Widow of James
NC 	Act of 7 July 1838

State of North Carolina, Cabarrus County} On this 25th day of April 
eighteen hundred and forty six personally appeared in open court term open 
and held at the court house in Cabarrus County and Concord Court House 
William Slone (sic) resident of said county who being first duly sworn 
according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order 
to obtain the provisions made by the act Congress passed July the 7th 1838 
entitled an Act granting half pay and pension to certain widows. Also the 
act of the 3rd of March and 17th June 1844.

That he is the son and one of the heirs at law of Frances Sloan who was 
the widow of James Sloan who was a private in the War of the Revolution in 
the North Carolina Militia and served as the heirs do understand and was 
entitled to a pension at the rate of fifty two dollars per annum under the 
act 7th of June 1833 under the North Carolina Agency. This claimant 
further declares as he understands that the aforesaid Frances Slone was 
married to the said James Slone some time in the year seventeen hundred 
eighty six and that her husband the aforesaid James Sloan died on the 20th 
of February eighteen hundred and thirty nine and that she remained a widow 
and that the aforesaid Frances Slone died on the 15th August eighteen 
hundred and forty three and that she remained a widow ever since the death 
of the aforesaid James Slone. This claimant further declares that he knows 
of no record of the marriage of the said James Sloan and Frances Sloan nor 
the age of any of their children. This deponent further declares that all 
of heirs at law that survived the said Frances Sloan are Nancy Ervin, 
Thomas Sloan, Jane Ervin, Elizabeth Dewest (sic), Mary Farrell and that 
all are of full age and that the said Thomas Sloan lives in Tennessee and 
Jane Ervin and Elizabeth Dewees lives in Alabama.

Nancy Ervin in Mecklenburg County and Mary Farrell reside in this county. 
Sworn to and subscribed in open court the day and date above written. 
				/s/ Wm. B. Sloan

We the Court do hereby certify that it has been showed to the satisfaction 
of the Court that the said James Sloan died on the 20 of February 1839 and 
that Frances Slone his wife died on the 15th day August 1843 and that it 
has been showed to the satisfaction of the Court that all the Heirs at Law 
that survived the aforesaid Frances Sloan are Nancy Ervin, Thomas Slone, 
Jane Ervin, Elizabeth Dewest, Mary Farrell and that they are all of full 
age and that it has been showed satisfactorily of the claimant William 
Slone is a creditable person. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set 
our hand and seal.	
				/s/ L. P. K____, Ch.

State of North Carolina, Cabarrus County} I Robert W. Ford, clerk of the 
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Cabarrus County do hereby certify 
that the aforesaid contains original testimony of said court I have 
hereunto set my hand and affix my seal of office at Concord county and 
state aforesaid.		/s/ R. W. Ford

Page 7
State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County} Personally appeared before me 
B.L. __ a Justice of the Peace in and for the County aforesaid Jane Davis 
a resident of the state and county aforesaid after being duly sworn 
according to law and sayeth on oath that she was well acquainted [with] 
James Sloan and Frances Sloan his wife and that she saw them married in 
the spring of 1787 that they were married a year before she, Jane Davis, 
was married herself and that she was married the (sic) in 1788 and that 
she has a record of her marriage and that record gives that date above 
stated and she further states that she is certain their marriage took 
place a year before she was married. 	 /m/ Jane Davis
Sworn to and subscribed before me April 7th, 1846 ____ J.P.

State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County} I hereby certify that Jane 
Davis the deponent in this case __ to full credit on her oath and who __ 
said __ __ __ April 7th 1846		/s/ R.L. __, J.P.

State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County} I Bealy Oates Clerk of the 
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the county and state aforesaid do 
hereby certify that R.L. __ whose attestation appearing above in an acting 
Justice of the Peace in and for said county duly commissioned & sworn and 
that the signatures purporting to be his are genuine. In testimony whereof 
I have hereto set my hand and affixed my seal of office at Charlotte this 
11th day of May 1846. /s/ B. Oates, clerk of Mecklenburg Co. Court..

State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County} Be it known that on this 2d 
day of August AD 1853 personally appeared before me William Barnette a 
Justice of the Peace in and for the county and state aforesaid, Jane 
Davis, a resident of Ramah Congregation in the county of Mecklenburg aged 
about eighty four years who after first being duly sworn according to law, 
disposeth and saith that she is the sister of James Sloan who was a 
revolutionary Soldier, that she has a distinct recollection of her brother 
James Sloan marriage with Frances Brown which occurred in the Spring of 
the year 1787. This fact is fixed upon her memory for the reason that said 
that said marriage occurred about one year before her own marriage. That 
her said brother and Frances Brown ran away and got married. That deponent 
was one of the company who went away with her brother James Sloan to steal 
away his wife or rather his intended. That after getting possession of her 
they went to a neighbor's house by the name of Lewis Meek [?] who was a 
magistrate and there the marriage ceremony was performed by said Meek [?] 
after which the whole company went from there to deponent's Father's 
house. That deponent knows that her brother James and his said wife had 
one child about three weeks old when she was married and that her marriage 
took place in the month of February 1788. Deponent knows that James Sloan 
and his wife Frances lived together as man and wife from the time of their 
marriage aforesaid until the death of said brother in the month of 
February that his widow Frances Sloan remained the widow of James Sloan 
until her death which occurred in August in the year 1843, leaving 
surviving her the following named children, viz. Mary Sloan (married to 
James Ferrell), also William B. Sloan who are the only children of the 
aforesaid James and Frances Sloan known to be living. Sworn to and 
subscribed the day and year above written before me.	/m/ Jane Davis 
			/s/ W. Barnette, JP

Be it known that I W. Barnette am well acquainted with Jane Davis that 
signed the above affidavit and that she is woman of creditability and that 
I have been acquainted with her for the __ of fifty years. I also certify 
that I was well acquainted with James Sloan and Frances Sloan his wife and 
that they lived together as man and wife until the death of James Sloan 
and that they raised the above named children. Sworn to this 2nd day of 
August, 1853.		
			/s/ W. Barnette, JP

Page 8
State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County} I Bealy Oates Clerk of the 
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the county and state aforesaid do 
hereby certify William Barnette before whom before whom the foregoing 
affidavit was made at the time thereof and is now an acting Justice of the 
Peace for said county duly commissioned and sworn, and the foregoing 
signature purporting to be his is genuine. And I further certify that I 
have carefully [searched] the records in my office and can find no 
marriage bond filed by James Sloan nor any record of the marriage between 
said Sloan and his wife Frances. Many of the bonds having been lost or 
destroyed. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed 
the seal of my office this 2d day of August AD 1853. 	
			/s/ B. Oates, clerk

Page 9
State of North Carolina, Cabarrus County} Court of Pleas and Quarter 
Sessions July term 1853. On this __ day of July AD 1853 personally 
appeared before the County Court for said County			
(NOTE - rest of page blank)

Page 10
James Sloan	North Carolina No. 5910 Admit as __ 16 mo.		
$53.33	Int. Ha H W. C-man, Dec. 8 H.R. 	J. Doherty Hickory 
Grove, N.C.

Page 11	
BRIEF in the case of James Sloan of Mecklenburg County in the State of 
North Carolina
(Act 7th June, 1832)

1. Was the declaration made before a Court or a Judge?	Court

2. If before a Judge does it appear that the applicant is disabled by 
bodily infirmity?

[not answered]

3. How old is he?	70 years

4. State his service, as directed in the form annexed.

Duration of Service	Rank		Names of Officers

3 months		 Private	Gen. Sumpter, Col. Middleton

Maj. Moore, Capt. Moore

1 month 15 days	 "			 "

1 month 15 days	substitute 	served total together he believes

			to be about 18 months

5. In what battles was he engaged?	Orangeburgh, Eutaw, Guilford

6. Where did he reside when he entered the service? Mecklenburg, North 

7. Is his statement supported? One __ part traditionally

Page 12 - 15
State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County} I Green W. Caldwell certify 
that I am personally acquainted with Mr. William Brown and Mr. William 
Ferrell and Mr. Daniel F. Christenberry and do certify that they are 
gentlemen of good character whose statements are entitled to credit whose 
affidavits I have under sealed are before the department in the case of 
Frances Sloan and given under my hand this 24th day of Oct.,1845.
			/s/ G. W. Caldwell

Shelby November the 25th 1845
Dear Sir, I enclose to you the Certificate of the living heirs at law of 
Frances Sloan, dec'd and also the Certificate of Green W. Caldwell to be 
used in said claim when you examine this can direct your letter to me at 
Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina.

			/s/ Joseph Carroll

Shelby NC August 15th, 46
Mr. J. L. Edwards.		
Dear Sir,
Enclosed I have you the copy a certificate in the case of Frances Sloan 
which was presented by __ James Graham. You will please to give it your __ 
attention to direct the answer to me at this place. Your most obedient 
servant	A. J. Hardin

Shelby January the __, 1845		
Dear Sir,
I enclosed to you to be used in the case of Frances Sloan the affidavits 
of William Brown and William Ferrell and the affidavit of Daniel 
Christianberry which after you examine I hope you __ certificate in this 
case. Direct your letter to me at Shelby, NC, Cleveland County.	Yours 
respectfully A. J. Hardin

Page 16
Shelby Oct 23rd 1845			
Dear Sir,
I enclosed you the affidavit of Mr. William Barnette in the case of 
Frances Sloan who became acquainted with James and Frances Sloan in the 
year 1800 and lived a __ them until their death. Please forward the 
certificate to me at Shelby NC, Cleveland County. 
Yours respectfully A.J. Hardin

Page 17 	9602	Frances Sloan service: James	REJECTED
Page 18 - 23	various cover sheets and letters of conveyance

Page 24
State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County} On this 1st day of January, 
1848 personally appeared Mr. Daniel F. Christianberry before me William 
Barnette one of the acting Justices of the Peace in and for said county 
and after being qualified according to law deposith on oath and sayeth 
that he has good reason to believe that James Sloan and his wife Frances 
Sloan were married prior to the 1st day of January 1794 from the fact that 
the deponent has the record of his own age which shows that he was born on 
the 9th day of August 1793 and that he was personally acquainted with the 
said James and Frances Sloan from the time that he was large enough to 
know any person. From this fact that the deponents parents lived within a 
mile or less of the said James and Frances Sloan. The deponent further 
sayeth that he knows that they had some three children older than himself 
to wit John Sloan, Nancy Sloan, and Jane Sloan and that he heared his 
mother and Frances Sloan often talken that the deponent and Thomas Sloan 
were about one age which was the fourth child of the said James and 
Frances Sloan and that they always lived together as man and wife. Sworn 
to and subscribed before me this day and date above written.
			/s/ Daniel F. Christianberry

Page 25
State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County} On the 8th day of January 
1848 personally appeared Mr. William Brown before me one of the acting 
Justices of the Peace in and for said county and after being qualified 
according to law deposith on oath and sayeth that he was personally 
acquainted with James Sloan and his wife Frances Sloan and knows that they 
were married prior to the 1st day of January 1794 from the fact that when 
he was a small boy going to schooll that he seen the parties going to get 
married and from that time they lived together as man and wife untill the 
death of the said James Sloan. This deponent further states that he knows 
that it was prior to the year 1794 from the fact that it was about fifteen 
years after they were married when the deponent got married himself which 
record he has that show that it was in the year 1800 and at that time the 
said James and Frances Sloan had some seven or eight children to wit, John 
Sloan, Nancy Sloan, Jane Sloan, Benjamin Sloan and Thomas Sloan and that 
he lived a nigh neighbor to them until the death of the said James Sloan. 
Sworn to and subscribed before me this day and date above ritten.	
			/s/ William Brown

Page 26
State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County} On this 8th day of January 
1848 personally appeared William Farrell before me William Barnette one of 
the acting Justices of the Peace in and for said county and after being 
qualified according to law deposith on oath and sayeth that he has good 
reason to believe that James Sloan and his wife Frances Sloan were married 
prior to the year 1794 from the fact the deponent has the record of his 
own age which shows that he was born on the 13th day of June 1785 and when 
the deponent was a boy that his father settled within one mile of the said 
James Sloan and his wife Frances and at that time they had some children 
to wit John, Nancy, Jane, Benjamin and that he believes that their oldest 
son John Sloan was not more than three years younger than himself from the 
fact that he was nearly the same size and that the said James Sloan and 
his wife always lived together as man and wife and was recognized as such. 
Sworn to and subscribed before me this day and date above written. 
			/s/ William Ferrell

Page 28
State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County} Be it known that on this 3rd 
day of August AD 1853 personally appeared before the undersigned a Justice 
of the Peace in and for the County and State aforesaid Henry B. Williams 
President of the Bank of Charlotte, who after being duly sworn according 
to law disposeth and saith that he has been engaged in the mercantile 
business in the town of Charlotte, NC. That by reference to his old books, 
he finds that in the month of August in the year 1843 he sold the 
materials for making the shroud of old Mrs. Frances Sloan the widow and 
relict of James Sloan, dec'd. That some time afterwards Wm. B. Sloan the 
son and administrator of said Frances Sloan paid him for said shroud. 
Sworn to and subscribed on the day and year above written before me.	
/s/ H. B. Williams		Benj. Morrow JP

Page 33
State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County} Court of Pleas and Quarter 
Sessions, Oct term 1845 I B. Oats Clerk of said County Court __ session 
certify that it has been proven to the satisfaction of said court that the 
names of all the children now living of Frances Sloan dec'd widow of James 
Sloan dec'd are as follows to wit Nancy who intermarried with Rueben 
Ervin, Thomas Sloan, Elizabeth who intermarried with Aaron Dewese, Jane 
who intermarried with Silas Ervin, Mary who intermarried with James 
Ferrell and Wm. B. Sloan and that they are all of full age and that the 
court orders the same to be sent to the pension office. In testimony 
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office this 
23rd day of Oct, 1845.		
			/s/ B. Oates, clerk

Page 34 - 37
Verification letters from clerks and magistrates

Page 38
State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County} Personally appeared before me 
F. M. Ross an acting Justice of the Peace in and for said county, who 
maketh oath in due form of law then in reference to his book he finds that 
he did sell the burying clothes of Frances Sloan on the 5th day of August 
1843 and that she must have died on the 4th day of August 1843. Sworn to 
and subscribed this 9th day of Oct 1851	
			/s/ W. B. Williams

Page 39
State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County} On this 19th day of October 
1848 personally appeared before me David J. Thomason one of the acting 
Justices of the Peace in and for said county Mr. William Allen and after 
being qualified according to law desposeth on oath and sayeth that he 
knows of his own knowledge that Mr. James Sloan died on the 9th day of 
February 1839 from this fact that he was called on to make the coffin for 
said Sloan which he did and charged the said on the 11th day of February, 
1839 which his books now show. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day 
and date above written.		/s/ Wm. Allen