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Total Records: 92
1Abbott, Joel Commander - Death December 1855 Donald Buncie The Registry
2Albin, Adrian An Afflicted Family 1903 Virginia Boone
3Ayars, Robert - Serious Accident. January 31, 1857 Donald Buncie The Registry
4Bateman, G. Willis Run Into By Runaway Horse 1903 Virginia Boone
5Bateman, Paul Wheelwright Shop Attempted Robbery 1903 Virginia Boone
6Bates, Williams and Thomas Dixon Bates and Dixon Given a Hearing 1903 Virginia Boone
7Bear Killed Near Mauricetown. July 21, 1860 Donald Buncie The Registry
8Belief November 19, 1859 Donald Buncie The Registry
9Biggs, George - Runaway February 12, 1859 Donald Buncie The Registry
10Bowen, John B. Dr. Of Medicine March 23, 1861 Donald Buncie The Registry
11Branin Girl - Fatal Accident Near Millville. December 17, 1859 Donald Buncie The Registry
12Bridgeton Bank New Bank Officials Chosen, 1903 Virginia Boone
13Brown, Joseph - Runaway February 23, 1856 Donald Buncie The Registry
14C. E. Day Celebrations 1903 Virginia Boone
15Carliss, Catharine - Lost June 20, 1857 Donald Buncie The Registry
16Cato, Daniel H. - Runaway June 21, 1856 Donald Buncie The Registry
17Central M. E. Church The Revival Services 1903 Virginia Boone
18Church, Prof. Frank M. To Teach Music at S. J. I. 1903 Virginia Boone
19Clark, Wm. - Wife Leaves September 8, 1855 Donald Buncie The Registry
20Clifford, Daughter Burned June 8, 1861 Donald Buncie The Registry
21Cobb, Emma - Left Husband September 10, 1860 Donald Buncie The Registry
22Cobb, Rachel – Departs Marriage August 20, 1859 Donald Buncie The Registry
23Compton, Capt. Samuel, Funeral of April 21, 1860 Donald Buncie The Registry
24Compton, Joseph Jr. - Undertaker May 19, 1855 Donald Buncie The Registry
25Cousins, William - Runaway April 5, 1856 Donald Buncie The Registry
26Crane, Samuel Dropped Dead 1903 Virginia Boone
27Cuff, Francis E. Ross Bateman and Mr. Johnson Baught Farms 1903 Virginia Boone
28DeMaris, Prof. Charles Farewell Banquet to Prof. De Maris 1903 Virginia Boone
29Demaris, Prof. Charles Prof. DeMaris Departure 1903 Virginia Boone
30Eldridge, Charles Girl-fatal Effects Of Fire. April 1858 Donald Buncie The Registry
31Emme, Hannah M. Leaves Husband November 23, 1861 Donald Buncie The Registry
32Fasting And Prayer September 21, 1861 Donald Buncie The Registry
33Fifty Girls Wanted February 25, 1860 Donald Buncie The Registry
34First Baptist Church Roadstown Seventy-Five Years of Church Life, 1903 Virginia Boone
35Fithian, Mrs. R. J. - Serious Accident. February 13, 1858 Donald Buncie The Registry
36Fitzgerald, John - Runaway August 16, 1856 Donald Buncie The Registry
37Freas' Mill Fire May 18, 1855 Donald Buncie The Registry
38Garrison, Edward Returns to Bridgeton 1903 Virginia Boone
39Glassblowers go to the Far West 1903 Virginia Boone
40Hammon, Thomas - Indentured June 1, 1861 Donald Buncie The Registry
41Harris, Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Off For The Southland 1903 Virginia Boone
42Headley, Benjamin Franklin - Runaway May 16, 1857 Donald Buncie The Registry
43Hello Girls on a Strike 1903 Virginia Boone
44Horner, Asa Sons-melancholy Accident. March 1858 Donald Buncie The Registry
45James, Benjamin - Drowned March 1858 Donald Buncie The Registry
46Jones, Samuel - One Cent Reward. June 21, 1856 Donald Buncie The Registry
47Lake, Capt. - Sudden Death. January 1862 Donald Buncie The Registry
48Lake, Susan-left Husband March 12, 1859 Donald Buncie The Registry
49Lawrence, Samuel - Serious Accident. February 28, 1857 Donald Buncie The Registry
50Lightning Kills Bacon Horse August 13, 1859 Donald Buncie The Registry
51Little Gleaners Met 1903 Virginia Boone
52Lore, Frazier, Fueral April 21, 1860 Donald Buncie The Registry
53Manwee, Eunice - Death of an old Indian Princess. March 3, 1860 Donald Buncie The Registry
54Mason, William - Runaway July 16, 1859 Donald Buncie The Registry
55McDonald, Francis - Runaway May 30, 1857 Donald Buncie The Registry
56Meeting for Temperance 1903 Virginia Boone
57Moore, Gertrude B. and Carrie M. Iredell By Bridgeton Young Ladies 1903 Virginia Boone
58Morris, Richard Big Hog Killing 1903 Virginia Boone
59Mulford, Carlton Boy Struck By Car and Killed At Ocean City 1931 Barbara Munson
60New Incorporations 1903 Virginia Boone
61Ogden, Sidney Has Resigned 1903 Virginia Boone
62Origin Of The Term Quakers May 10, 1856 Donald Buncie The Registry
63Ott, Mary Ann Leaves Husband October 25, 1856 Donald Buncie The Registry
64Parvin, Elijah - Struck By Colt July 9, 1859 Donald Buncie The Registry
65Perry, Jeremiah - Self-defense October 8, 1859 Donald Buncie The Registry
66Post Office Notice September 14, 1861 Donald Buncie The Registry
67Probasco, Franklin - Serious Accident. June 6, 1857 Donald Buncie The Registry
68Recent Multiple Drownings August 18, 1860 Donald Buncie The Registry
69Richardson, Hannah Leaves Husband November 29, 1856 Donald Buncie The Registry
70Robert, Elwood - Runaway November 6, 1858 Donald Buncie The Registry
71Robinson, Josephine Elopes With Another January 29, 1859 Donald Buncie The Registry
72Robinson, Rena 1903 Virginia Boone
73Senator Minch's Detective Bill 1903 Virginia Boone
74Shaw, William - drowns June 3, 1856 Donald Buncie The Registry
75Sheets, Walter The Champion 1903 Virginia Boone
76Shelhorn, Anna - Left Husband December 27, 1856 Donald Buncie The Registry
77Shull, Azuba Ann - Leaves Husband January 8, 1859 Donald Buncie The Registry
78Smith, Jacob dies in Fire February 23, 1856 Donald Buncie The Registry
79Smith, James - Runaway August 1, 1857 Donald Buncie The Registry
80Sutton, Harriet April 30, 1861 Donald Buncie The Registry
81The Crime Of Treason Relative To South Carolina January 19, 1861 Donald Buncie The Registry
82The Philisophians 1903 Virginia Boone
83The Telephone at W. J. S. R. R. Station 1903 Virginia Boone
84Tice, Frank - Drowned. December 22, 1860 Donald Buncie The Registry
85Trinity M. E. Church Treat for the Choir, 1903 Virginia Boone
86Tyler, John - Death Of January 25, 1862 Donald Buncie The Registry
87Valerius, Lewis Two Wives 1903 Virginia Boone
88Vanhook, Lydia - Wife Leaves Husband John June 14, 1856 Donald Buncie The Registry
89W. J. A. Notes 1903 Virginia Boone
90White Men Scarce. February 12, 1859 Donald Buncie The Registry
91Willfon, John L. Notice June 16, 1855 Donald Buncie The Registry
92Women Temperance Workers 1903 Virginia Boone

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