Cumberland County NJ Archives News..... Off For The Southland, February 7, 1903
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Virginia Boone July 29, 2013, 7:17 pm

Dollar Weekly News February 7, 1903
From the Dollar Weekly News, Bridgeton, NJ, dated February 7, 1903.

Off For the Southland

Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Harris Left This Morning - Will Meer Mr. and Mrs. Reed

Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Harris left at 8 o'clock this morning for Jacksonville, 
Florida. There they will meet Mr. and Mrs. David Reed. Mrs. Reed is a sister 
of Mrs. Harris. They will not stay all of the time in Jacksonville, but will 
make a number of side trips and will do much sight-seeing. Mr. Reed is a 
Bridgeton boy, having lined (sic) here and worked in a glassfactory for a 
number of years. He will be well remembered by some of the older residents. He 
went to Ohio, where he has been very successful and now has a bottle factory 
and is a man of wealth and position.

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