Cumberland County NJ Archives News..... Seventy-Five Years of Church Life, February 7, 1903
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Dollar Weekly News February 7, 1903
Seventy-Five Years of Church Life

The Special Services Began Last Evening at First Baptist Church

Interesting Reminiscences of the Past Given in Annual Roll Call - Social Hour 

From Saturday's Evening News

The special exercises commemorative of the 75th Anniversary of the First 
Baptist Church began last evening. The annual roll call, followed by a social 
hour, occupied the evening.

'Recollections of the Past' was the theme and as each member responded to his 
or her name on the call of the roll, they contributed some bit of history of 
the past.

During the evening the pastor, Rev. Clark T. Brownell, presided, and it is 
worthy to note that in such an old church he is one of its youngest pastors.

Rev. E. B. Tilton, of the Cohanney Baptist Church, Roadstown, made a very 
pleasant address, filled with bits of history.

The Cohanney Church is the mother church of the First Church and the line of 
descension has been followed out, for the Cedarville Baptist Church is 
regarded as the daughter of the First Church. Rev. Dr. Sembower, of the 
Cedarville church, contributed to the recollections of the evening.

A very large congregation was present and as the names were called they 

Robert H. Dare was the first name on the roll. He has been a member for 61 
years, having been baptized the second Sunday in May, 1842. He told of how the 
church used to look, who come of the members were at that time, and gave the 
names of the fourteen different pastors during the past seventy-five years, in 
the line of succession. Of these fourteen pastors five are now living.

James E. Elwell, a member of the 56 years' standing, gave a historical talk 
describing the old Pearl Street Church.

Dr. H. K. Trask gave an interesting talk on the church history during the past 
35 years, during which time he has been a member.

Jonathan D. Ayres was baptized by Rev. Mr. Wilson the second Sunday is April, 

As the names were called on down the roll, they responded either with history 
or the newer members gave Bible quotations. After an address by the pastor the 
congregation enjoyed a social hour, light refreshments being served.

Many were present to whom it was a special effort to be there, on account of 
living at a distance, and the social brought the members much closer together.

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