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Total Records: 247
1Abb, William Augustus  __/__/____/__/1953Kim Klein The Registry
2Albert, Lewis  __/__/__10/13/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
3Alvey, Judge Richard Henry  __/__/____/__/1906Robert Lee Alvey
4Ambrose, Sarah  __/__/__12/21/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
5Bailey, Rebecca Blain  __/__/____/__/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
6Barkdoll, Joseph  __/__/__12/20/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
7Barnett, Sarah  __/__/__11/3/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
8Barnhart, Henry  __/__/__11/__/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
9Barr, Elizabeth  __/__/__06/22/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
10Barr, Isabella  __/__/__10/20/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
11Bartle, Samuel B.  __/__/__01/23/1867Donald Buncie The Registry
12Berry, Washington L.  __/__/__05/15/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
13Biays, Harry  __/__/____/__/1884Kim Klein The Registry
14Bigham, Malinda  __/__/__12/21/1861Donald Buncie The Registry
15Bigham, William David  __/__/__11/17/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
16Bonshaf, John Robert  __/__/____/__/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
17Boswell, James W.  __/__/____/__/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
18Bovey, Susan  __/__/__04/28/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
19Bowers, Elizabeth  __/__/__04/18/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
20Bowers, Mary Ann Figely  __/__/__01/__/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
21Boyd, Virginia  __/__/__08/2/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
22Broidick, Ella  __/__/__08/12/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
23Buchanan, Martha A.  __/__/__01/31/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
24Burkhart, Elizabeth  __/__/____/__/
25Burkhart, Luther F  __/__/____/__/
26Byer, Mary Helen  __/__/__01/19/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
27Campell, Robert  __/__/__18/07/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
28Carl, Daniel A.  __/__/____/__/1899Donald Buncie The Registry
29Clever, Rev. David  __/__/____/__/1993John Yost
30Cline, John P.  __/__/__07/20/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
31Cost, Barbara Ann Piper  __/__/__02/18/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
32Cronise, Leo H. "mike"  __/__/____/__/1984Mark Ault
33Crow, Prudence C.  __/__/__11/17/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
34Curtis, Lucy Anna Daisy  __/__/____/__/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
35Cushwa, Margaret McCleery  __/__/__08/9/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
36Dagenhart, Mary  __/__/__11/17/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
37Daley, Mary Isabel Yost  __/__/____/__/1997John Yost
38Daley, Norman Oscar  __/__/____/__/1985John Yost
39Davis, Mary A.  __/__/__02/8/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
40Davis, Richard  __/__/____/__/1801Edward Smith
41Dechert, Laura Virginia  __/__/__10/21/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
42Domer, Jacob  __/__/__08/1/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
43Dundus, Willard G.  __/__/____/__/1971John Yost
44Durnbaugh, Jacob  __/__/__08/25/1883Beth Rasmussen
45Dutrow, George  __/__/__05/29/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
46Eakle, Absalom  __/__/____/__/1904Randi Boyer
47Eakle, Allen Clay  __/__/____/__/1981Randi Boyer
48Eakle, Amanda C.  __/__/____/__/1927Randi Boyer
49Eakle, Anna B.  __/__/____/__/1965Randi Boyer
50Eakle, Atlee Clarence  __/__/____/__/1936Randi Boyer
51Eakle, Benjamin Franklin  __/__/____/__/1952Randi Boyer
52Eakle, Charles William  __/__/____/__/1990Randi Boyer
53Easterday, Daniel  __/__/__09/12/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
54Ebb, Catharine  __/__/__08/7/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
55Eikelbarger, John  __/__/__05/1/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
56Fague, George  __/__/__08/15/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
57Findlay, Archibald Irwin  __/__/____/__/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
58Focler, Geo.  __/__/__02/26/1867Donald Buncie The Registry
59Foltz, Henry  __/__/__12/2/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
60Friend, Andrew  __/__/__02/9/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
61Gagle, Elizabeth  __/__/__06/1/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
62Gantz, Hannah  __/__/____/__/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
63Garman, Adam  __/__/__03/31/1867Donald Buncie The Registry
64Gayman, Christian  __/__/__11/8/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
65Good, Chas Elmer  __/__/__08/12/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
66Gray, Ida C.l.  __/__/__10/10/1934Lois Ellis
67Gray, Nannie Cora  __/__/__07/23/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
68Grosh, Catharine M.  __/__/__11/18/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
69Gross, Laura Virginia  __/__/__02/10/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
70Grove, Ellen Jane  __/__/__09/19/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
71Hamburg, Margaret H.  __/__/__10/18/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
72Hamilton, Thomas  __/__/__12/19/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
73Hammond, Catharine  __/__/__12/8/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
74Handy, Catharine  __/__/__07/2/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
75Hanna, James  __/__/____/__/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
76Harbaugh, Yost  __/__/____/__/1831Edward Smith
77Harne, Cletus Johnson  __/__/__08/20/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
78Harne, Mary Ella  __/__/__08/19/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
79Harter, Annie E.  __/__/__03/23/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
80Hause, Henry  __/__/__08/15/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
81Heffner, David H.  __/__/__11/18/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
82Heskett, Lottie Elizabeth  __/__/__10/23/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
83Higgs, Catharine  __/__/1833__/__/1895Janet
84Holbert, John H.  __/__/__08/31/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
85Hollyda, Bettie H.  __/__/__09/19/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
86Hornish, Louis P.  __/__/__10/18/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
87Houser, Samuel  __/__/__11/19/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
88Hughes, Thomas  __/__/__10/26/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
89Ingram, Martin L.  __/__/____/__/1951Jodi Dew
90Iseminger, Catharine  __/__/____/__/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
91Kealhofer, George  __/__/__11/28/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
92Kees, Kees  __/__/____/__/__Holli Boone Kees
93Kenney, Mary Ann  __/__/__11/__/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
94Keyser, Margaret  __/__/__11/21/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
95King, Emma Mae Yost  __/__/____/__/1973John Yost
96King, George Franklin  __/__/____/__/1984John Yost
97King, Jennie I.  __/__/____/__/1976John Yost
98King, John E.  __/__/____/__/1995John Yost
99King, Leroy Hillard  __/__/____/__/1998John Yost
100King, William Henry  __/__/____/__/1965John Yost
101King, William Luther (Bill) __/__/____/__/1984John Yost
102Kiser, Peter E.  __/__/____/__/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
103Knode, Charles Lane  __/__/__08/9/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
104Knode, Mary Rebecca  __/__/__03/7/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
105Knodler, John Harvey  __/__/__04/20/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
106Knox, Eliza  __/__/__08/2/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
107Koogle, John W.  __/__/__11/30/1923Kim Klein The Registry
108Koonts, Thomas E.  __/__/____/__/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
109Kreigh, Robert E.  __/__/__11/18/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
110Laforce, William A.  __/__/____/__/2003John Yost
111Lapole, Harry L.  __/__/____/__/1959Mark Ault
112Lawrence, William  __/__/__11/9/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
113Lehman, Jacob  __/__/__08/4/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
114Leight, D. B.  __/__/__10/9/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
115Leonard, Samuel  __/__/____/__/1883Kim Klein The Registry
116Leslie, Elizabeth  __/__/____/__/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
117Lewis, David O.  __/__/____/__/1923Kim Klein The Registry
118Light, Daniel B.  __/__/__10/9/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
119Long, Emanuel  __/__/__12/16/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
120Long, Hermione Young  __/__/__05/8/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
121Longman, John  __/__/____/__/1838Edward Smith
122Lowman, Mary Etta  __/__/____/__/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
123Lynn, Julia Butler Swain  __/__/____/__/__Lynneage
124Macgill, Richard Ragan  __/__/__10/29/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
125Maddex, Aquila  __/__/____/__/1848Sharon Hamilton
126Martin, David Henry  __/__/__08/10/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
127Martin, Elva Marguriete  __/__/____/__/2006John Yost
128Martin, Harold Daniel  __/__/____/__/1994John Yost
129Marty, Jacob  __/__/__01/24/1894Beth Rasmussen
130McAtee, Wm. B.  __/__/__05/31/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
131Mccarthy, Mccarthy  __/__/____/__/__Donna Murray Allen
132McComas, Mary Lulie  __/__/__11/22/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
133McIntyre, Bertie  __/__/__09/29/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
134McLanahan, Mrs. Clymens  __/__/__09/27/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
135Michael, Elizabeth Carney  __/__/__09/4/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
136Middlekauff, John C.  __/__/__01/6/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
137Middlekauff, Leonard  __/__/__02/22/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
138Miller, Mrs.  __/__/__12/2/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
139Miller, Daniel  __/__/__11/16/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
140Miller, Harvey  __/__/__08/8/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
141Mills, Abraham  __/__/__4/21/1908Donna Murray Allen
142Mills, Barbara Ella Mccarthy  __/__/____/__/1940John Yost
143Mills, Charles Amos  __/__/____/__/1953John Yost
144Mills, Charlotte Larue Repp  __/__/____/__/1982John Yost
145Mills, Ella  __/__/__11/8/1901Donna Murray Allen
146Mills, Jean E.  __/__/____/__/1993John Yost
147Mills, Jeremiah  __/__/__4/30/1923Donna Murray Allen
148Mills, John S.  __/__/__3/7/1946Donna Murray Allen
149Mills, Joseph  __/__/____/__/1955John Yost
150Mills, Joseph  __/__/__4/16/1955Donna Murray Allen
151Mills, Lela Mae  __/__/____/__/1968John Yost
152Mills, Levi Ephraim  __/__/__11/21/1941Donna Murray Allen
153Mills, Lewis  __/__/__2/7/1934Donna Murray Allen
154Mills, Mary Ann Davis  __/__/__8/31/1932Donna Murray Allen
155Mills, Milton Alvey  __/__/____/__/1988John Yost
156Mills, Otho  __/__/__12/8/1884Donna Murray Allen
157Mills, Raymond Richard  __/__/____/__/1991John Yost
158Mills, Robert  __/__/__2/14/1904Donna Murray Allen
159Mills, Thomas H.  __/__/__8/23/1978Donna Murray Allen
160Mills, William  __/__/__8/4/1880Donna Murray Allen
161Morris, Elizabeth  __/__/__09/27/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
162Motter, Susan Bell  __/__/__12/8/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
163Moxley, William H.  __/__/__02/12/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
164Murray, Addie Leona Rose Mills  __/__/__4/4/1965Donna Murray Allen
165Newcomer, Frank  __/__/__12/1/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
166Nikirk, Savannah  __/__/__05/16/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
167Nowel, Rebecca  __/__/__09/10/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
168Peters, Laura Louisa  __/__/__08/9/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
169Poe, Isaiah  __/__/__11/__/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
170Potts, John  __/__/__04/16/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
171Raleigh, Domer  __/__/____/__/1900Larry Shick
172Reese, Amanda C.  __/__/____/__/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
173Resley, Col. Horace  __/__/____/__/1902Tim Snyder
174Rice, Catherine Funk  __/__/____/__/1900Jay L. Troxell
175Rickard, Catharine  __/__/__01/2/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
176Robinson, Joseph Smith  __/__/__09/27/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
177Rohbach, Mary  __/__/__08/24/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
178Rohrer, David William  __/__/__01/3/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
179Rohrer, Elizabeth  __/__/__05/24/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
180Rohrer, John Henry  __/__/__01/25/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
181Rohrer, Magdalena  __/__/____/__/1875Michael Rohrer
182Rulett, Carrie May  __/__/__05/21/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
183Rush, Iva  __/__/____/__/1946Mary Ellen Chambers
184Russe, Catharine  __/__/____/__/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
185Schlosser, Mary  __/__/__06/9/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
186Shank, Jacob  __/__/____/__/1909Mark Ault
187Shank, Otho J. C.  __/__/____/__/1932Mark Ault
188Shank, Sarah E. Cline  __/__/____/__/1948Mark Ault
189Sheeley, Samuel  __/__/__11/22/1862Donald Buncie The Registry
190Shilling, William Henry Porter  __/__/__05/6/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
191Shirey, Jacob  __/__/__02/24/1863Donald Buncie The Registry
192Shockey, Isaac  __/__/__07/31/1868Donald Buncie The Registry
193Shockey, Nancy  __/__/__02/23/1867Donald Buncie The Registry
194Shockey, Soloman  __/__/__03/23/1871Donald Buncie The Registry
195Show, Mary Ellen  __/__/__05/9/1866Donald Buncie The Registry
196Smith, Ella Magdalene Yost  __/__/____/__/1960John Yost
197Snyder, Amanda Susan Davis  __/__/____/__/1944John Yost
198Snyder, Charles J.  __/__/____/__/1974John Yost
199Snyder, George  __/__/____/__/1935John Yost
200Snyder, Mary  __/__/____/__/1912John Yost

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