Washington County MD Archives Obituaries.....Davis, Richard July 26, 1801
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Edward Smith MPW6030@aol.com February 6, 2006, 7:20 pm

The Maryland Herald, 30 July 1801
Died, On the Twenty-sixth instant,in this Town (Elizabeth - Town,now 
Hagerstown), Capt. Richard Davis, aged 53 years. He was one of those 
distinguised characters, who stepped forward at the very commencement of the 
American Revolution, in a military capacity; that he held a commission as 
lieutenant in Capt. Michael Cresap's Volunteer Rifle Company, which was raised 
in 1775, and marched with it from this county to Boston, to reinforce the 
American army commanded by General Washington, then laying seige to that Town; 
that he was taken prisoner in 1776, at Fort Washington. On the twenty-eighth 
his remains were interred with military honours, in the Protestant Episcopal 
Burial Ground.

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