Washington County MD Archives Obituaries.....Harbaugh, Yost August 2, 1831
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Edward Smith MPW6030@aol.com October 15, 2006, 5:14 pm

Hagerstown Mail, 11 August 1831
Another Revolutionary Hero gone ! DIED, at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. 
Benjamin Emmert, on Anteatem, near Hagerstown, in Washington county, Maryland, 
on the 2d inst. Mr. YOST HARBAUGH, a soldier of the Revolution, a native of 
York county Pa. in the 90th year of his age. He was formerly a member of the 
Pennsylvania Legislature. He died after a short illness, without any pain, and 
retained his faculties to the last. Thus one by one, the Military Chieftains of 
Seventy-six are dropping away; and soon there will not be one, no, not one left.

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Typed as written in the obituary.

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