Washington County MD Archives Obituaries.....Jennie I. KING, 1976
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
John Yost jayman7@myactv.net

Source: Daily Mail, September 18, 1976

Jennie I. (Neenie) King
Age: 66
Residence: 205 E. Lincoln Ave
Date of Death: Thursday, September 16, 1976
Place of Death: Her home
Place of Birth: Hagerstown
Parents: Samuel J. and Olive V. Rice Weddle
Religion: Gay Street Brethren Church
Memberships: Ladies Auxiliary of the Halfway Fire Company and Dust to Dawn
             Travel Club
Survived By: Husband, four sons, four daughters, one brother, two sisters,
             20 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren
Funeral: Gay Street Brethren Church
Interment: Cedar Lawn Memorial Park

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