Washington County MD Archives Obituaries.....Rev. David CLEVER, 1993
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
John Yost jayman7@myactv.net

Source: Daily Mail, June 23, 1993

Rev. David Clever
Residence: 159 Cumberland St., Clear Spring
Date of Death: June 22, 1993
Place of Death: Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Martinsburg, W. Va.
Place of Birth: Mercersburg, Pa.
Parents: late Harry O. Clever and Dorothy Lowans Clever Kincaid
Education: Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel; Berean Bible College,
           Springfield, Mo.; Calvary Christian Campground, Richmond, Va.
Religion: Pastor and founder of Trinity Christian Church, President
          Trinity Ministerial Association Inc., Co-founder Trinity 
          Christian Academy and Trinity Day Care.
Military: U.S. Army
Memberships: Ministerial Association Inc. of Maryland
Survived By: Wife, two daughters, one son, two sisters, three step-
             sisters, three brothers, four stepbrothers and one
Preceded By: Sisters Marie Carbaugh and Margaret Myers and brothers
             Harold Clever, Wayne Clever and Paul Clever
Funeral: Trinity Christian Church, Clear Spring
Military Graveside Service: Joseph C. Herbert Post 222, Clear Spring
                            American Legion
Interment: Trinity Christian Church Cemetery
Funeral Arrangements: Andrew K. Coffman Funeral Home

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