Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
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Total Records: 43
11872 Allegheny County Map 
21889 Allegheny County Map 
3Adams, Johnston Deed Abstracts Allegheny Co. 1791-1868 Johanna Myatt
4Allegheny West Area Description Louise unknown
5Calhoun, James and David C. Deed Abstracts Allegheny County Johanna Myatt
6Carothers, John heirs to John Noble Oct 1800 Lynn Beatty
7Carothers, Surname Deed Index 1818-1880 Lynn Beatty
8Certificate for Land February 24, 1798 Lynn Beatty
9Cornell, Joseph - Vankirk, Samuel 1793 Charles VanKirk
10Couch, Nathaniel land - Peters Creek Congregation October 17, 1780 Samuel G Couch
11Cunningham, Samuel - Mcglahlin, Edward 1797 Carol and Tom Lanagan
12Depreciation Lands Annual Report 1892 
13Dice, Enoch - Porter, Andrew C. 1853 Carolyn Porter
14Fitch, James - Woods, James, 1823 Robert Woods
15Glenn, Hugh - McCurdy, Mary, 1834 Kriss Kalani
16Hall, William & George - Woods, James 1799 Robert Woods
17Hoy, Samuel - Kearns, Frances 8 15, 1797 Virginia CrilleyThe Registry
18Hultz, Henry Deed Abstract (1737-1810) Johanna Myatt
19Hultz, James and David Deed Abstracts Allegheny County Johanna Myatt
20Hultz, Richard Deed Abstracts Allegheny County Johanna Myatt
21Hunter, William - Burnside, Samuel, 30 Aug, 1844 Linda Holley
22McCLintock, Adam to Porter, Andrew 1839 Carolyn Porter
23McCully, George - Gilliland, David 1793 David Zimmerman
24McCurdy, Andrew - Glenn, Hugh 1830 Kriss Kalani
25McCurdy, Hugh - Assoc. Reformed Congregation of Robinson Run 1811 Kriss Kalani
26McNair, Dunning to Zimmerman, Michael 1814 David Zimmerman
27Municipalities in Allegheny County Nancy Long
28Porter, Andrew - Porter, John E. May 1806 Carolyn Porter
29Porter, Andrew - Porter, Stephen 1780 Carolyn Porter
30Porter, Andrew C. - Heidelberg, Gustavus 1841 Carolyn Porter
31Porter, Andrew C. - Porter, Joseph 1853Carolyn Porter
32Porter, John E. - Murry, Jeremiah 1806 Carolyn Porter
33Porter, Joseph to Groves, John, 11 Jul 1863 Carolyn Porter
34Porter, Joseph to Steward, William 1835 Carolyn Porter
35Porter, Stephen - Porter, Andrew 1796 Carolyn Porter
36Prior, Lucas A - Jack, Andrew J. October 17, 1855 Lynn Beatty
37Robinson, William Jr - Porter, Joseph 1835 Carolyn Porter
38Rouzer, Adam (estate) - Thompson, John Rea 1902 Larry Thompson
39Rutherford, Robert Esq. - Swearengen, Thomas 1796 Bettie Morrow
40USGS Allegheny County Map with clickable townships 
41Valuable Lands west of the Ohio, For Sale May 5, 1798 Lynn Beatty
42Wallace, Joseph - Porter, Andrew C. 1846 Carolyn Porter
43Zimmerman, Michael, 1789 Patent David Zimmerman


Allegheny Pennsylvania USGenWeb Archives