Here is how you can help with the Kansas Obituary Project:
- To volunteer send your name, email address, and the newspaper you will be working from,
make a note if you are indexing or submitting whole obits. Once a month, you will email me
your file of obit information. We will then place them online. Questions or comments, please
contact me, .
- Contact local newspapers to ask permission for the USGenWeb Archives Project to archive
their obituaries. Here is a sample letter to send to the newspapers. Contact me with the name
of the newspaper and name and title of person granting permission from the publication.
- Check with state archives and genealogical societies to locate microfilm or other sources
of pre-1923 (public domain) newspapers to transcribe obituaries from.
- Something to think about, some newspapers offer subscriptions by mail.
- Volunteer to transcribe obituaries from newspapers already granting permission (must have
access to their publication or website).
- Copyright Law: The Kansas Obituary Project will abide by today's copyright laws. Obituaries
published after December 31, 1922, unless:
- you are/were the original author of the obituary, or
- the newspaper in question grants permission to reprint the obituary, or
- the obituary is that of a family member (you must give the relation), or
- you submit an abstract/INDEX of your obituaries. A good abstract might
give the paper's name, name of deceased, age, date of death, and date that the
obituary appears in the paper (in parenthesis).
Tips for Locating an Obituary can be found at this link.
- To submit obituaries use the automated submission forms at