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Chautauqua County Table of Contents
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KSGenWeb page.
Chautauqua County, therefore, lies in the most southerly tier of counties in the State, the
north line of the Indian Territory forming its southern boundary, while on the east lies the
county of Montgomery, Elk on the north and Cowley County on the west. The county is
twenty-one miles from north to south, and thirty-one miles from east to west; having an
area of 651 square miles, or 416,640 acres.1.
Organized in 1875. County seat Sedan. Created out of a portion of what was first
Godfrey county, named after "Bill" Godfrey. a noted trader among the Osages; then
Howard county in honor of Major-General O. O. Howard, for his efforts in behalf of
the Union. Chautauqua county N.Y., was the former home of Hon. Edward Jaquins,
a member of the Kansas Legistature in 1875 from Howard county, who introduced
the bill which divided Howard into Chautauqua and Elk; hence, from his native place
this county derives its name. The name originally given (in 1855) to Howard was
Godfrey, and the name changed to Seward in 1861. In 1867 the Legislature, ignoring
former names, created the county of Howard.2.
- 1.
William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas
published in 1883 by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL.
2. History of Kansas, Noble Prentis, (Winfield: E.P. Greer. 1899)
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