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Gray County Table of Contents
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USGenWeb Archives
The File Manager for Kansas USGenWeb Archives
Project is:
Debra Crosby
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KSGenWeb page.
GRAY County was created March 2, 1881, absorbing the county of Foote and the south one-half of Buffalo. It was
named in honor of Hon. Alfred Gray, who, at the time of his death -- January 23, 1880, -- was Secretary of the
State Board of Agiculture (sic).1
Organized July 20, 1887. County seat, Cimarron. Named in honor of Alfred Gray, late Secretary of the State
Board of Agriculture2
- 1.
William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas
published in 1883 by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL.
2. History of Kansas, Noble Prentis, (Winfield: E.P. Greer. 1899)
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