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Wallace County Table of Contents
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the Wallace County
KSGenWeb page.
Wallace County, one of the most western in the state, is in the third tier south from Nebraska. It is bounded on
the north by Sherman county; on the east by Logan; on the south by Greeley and Wichita, and on the west by the State
of Colorado. It was created in 1868 and named in honor of Gen. W. H. L. Wallace, a veteran of the Mexican war who died
from wounds received in the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. The county first included all of the territory now comprised within
Wallace and Logan and the boundaries were defined by the legislature as follows: "Commencing at the northwest corner
of Gove county; thence west on the 2d standard parallel line to the west line of the State of Kansas; thence south on
the west line of the state to the 3d standard parallel line; thence east on 3d standard parallel line to the west line
of Gove county; thence north on said west line of Gove county to the place of beginning."1
- 1. KANSAS A Cyclopedia of State History, Embracing Events,
Institutions, Industries, Counties, Cities,Towns, Prominent Persons, Etc.;FRANK W. BLACKMAR Editor;STANDARD PUBLISHING COMPANY
CHICAGO, 1912.
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