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Ellsworth County Table of Contents
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Return to the County Table or visit
the Ellsworth County
KSGenWeb page.
ELLSWORTH County is comprised in that portion of the State of Kansas which commences at the east line
of Range 6, west of the Sixth Principal Meridian, running thence west to the west line of Range 10, and
embracing Townships 14, 15, 16 and 17. The county is twenty-four miles north and south, and thirty miles
east and west, and contains 460,800 acres, or 720 square miles. This territory is divided into eight civil
townships, and three commissioner districts.1
Organized in 1867. County seat Ellsworth. Named after Fort Ellsworth, a military post built
on the bank of the Smoky Hill, in 1864. This fort was so called by General Curtis, in honor
of the officer who constructed it, Allen Ellsworth, Second Lieutenant of Company H, Seventh
Iowa Cavalry.2
- 1.
William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas
published in 1883 by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL.
2. History of Kansas, Noble Prentis, (Winfield: E.P. Greer. 1899)
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