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[Abbott, Thomas Andrew Bi][Whitfield, Augustus Wash]

Total Records: 211
1Abbott, Thomas Andrew Bible    Martha Gay Elmore
2Annie Herring Daly Ivey Bible Leo Anderson
3Asbury, Francis & Charlotte T. Whitehurst Bible Warren Brothers
4Askew, Metts Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
5Baker, Warters and Benton Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
6Barbee, Mark Bible   Martha M. Marble The Registry
7Barfield, Lewis L. Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
8Barrow, John Family Record Martha M. Marble The Registry
9Barwick, Isaac Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
10Barwick, James Family Records Martha M. Marble The Registry
11Barwick, John F. Bible Mickey Elmore
12Bell, Charles E. Family Bible  Joshua Waller
13Bell, James H. Bible     Martha M. Marble The Registry
14Bowden, Cherry and Broadhurst Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
15Boyd, Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
16Branch, Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
17Braxton, Clyde Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
18Bright, James Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
19Brock, Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
20Brown, Isaac Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
21Bruton, Simon Bible Carol P. Martoccia
22Bryan, William & Olivia Croom Family Records Martha M. Marble The Registry
23Buck, C. J. & Nancy Bible Carol P. Martoccia
24Carter, Levi Herring Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
25Caswell, Dallam Bible Susan B. Hoffman
26Caswell, Richard Bible         Martha M. Marble The Registry
27Chamberlain, Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
28Clark, Council Henry Bible  Sloan S. Mason The Registry
29Clark, Tilghman Bible    Sloan S. Mason The Registry
30Collins, Family Bible      Martha M. Marble The Registry
31Conner Richardson Bible Mike Edge The Registry
32Cox Kennedy Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
33Croom, Aldredge and Hardee Record Martha M. Marble The Registry
34Croom, Joseph R. & Nancy Hardee Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
35Croom, Richard Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
36Croom, Rudolph Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
37Cuninggim, Jesse Family Records Martha M. Marble The Registry
38Dail, Thomas Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
39Daniels, Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
40Davis, Council Parker Bible Carol P. Martoccia
41Davis, Dunn Outlaw and McCoy Bible Teana Bryant
42Davis, Samuel Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
43Davis, Windol Bible Carol P. Martoccia
44Dawson, Bible Carol P. Martoccia
45Dickerson, Mrs. E. N. Bible Alex Leath
46Dunn, John Patrick Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
47Dunn, Walter Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
48Elmore, Joel Hardy Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
49Elmore, Thomas Everett Family Records Martha M. Marble The Registry
50Everett, and Bryan Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
51Faison, Thomas J. Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
52Faulkner, Bible Carol P. Martoccia
53Fields, Jeremiah Bible Carol P. Martoccia
54Fields, William Coffield Bible Carol P. Martoccia
55Fields, William Council Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
56Fields, William Malachi Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
57Fife, Bible Shirley Edwards
58Gilbert, William Parker Bible Jack P. Gilbert
59Gold, P. D. & Julia Pipkin Bible Guy Potts The Registry
60Grady, Whitfield Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
61Grainger, Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
62Gray, John Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
63Hadley, G. E. Bible        Troy Callahan Hines
64Hall, Bible Clair Hadley
65Hall, Heath and Herritage Bible Elizabeth Moore
66Hardee, andPridgen Bible Carol P. Martoccia
67Hardee, Parrott Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
68Hardee, William Henry & Ida Penelope Croom Family Bible W.L. Boddie
69Hardy, Fleetwood Bible Peggy LaViolette
70Hardy, Octavia Bible Peggy LaViolette
71Hardy, William Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
72Hargett, and Sheifer/Stewart Bibles Martha M. Marble The Registry
73Harper, Francis Marion Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
74Hartsfield, Benjamin Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
75Hartsfield, David Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
76Hazzard, James Family Register Carol P. Martoccia
77Hill, Alexander Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
78Hill, and Cameron Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
79Hill, John Leonard Family Bible Steven Hill
80Hill, Pinkney and Aldridge Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
81Hill, Stephen Franklin Family Bible Steven Hill
82Hines, Bible Christine G. Thacker The Registry
83Hines, James M. Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
84Hines, James Madison Record Book      Sloan S. Mason The Registry
85Hines, Lovit Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
86Howard, Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
87Howard, Jesse Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
88Hunter, Family Bible      Susan Hoffman
89Hunter, William & Alice Hardy Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
90Hyatt, H. O. Family Record Martha M. Marble The Registry
91Ives, Samuel B. & Winifred Ann Rouse Bible Carol P. Martoccia
92Jackson, Jesse and Eliza A. Family Bible     Sloan MasonThe Registry
93Jackson, Jesse and Eliza A. Family BibleSloan Mason The Registry
94James Kilpatrick Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
95Jenkins, Amos & Sally Coomes Bible Carol P. Martoccia
96Jones, Annie Rhodes Bible       Sloan S. Mason The Registry
97Jones, John W. Bible Marion J. Henry
98Jones, William C. Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
99Kennedy, Jesse Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
100Kennedy, John Bible Francis R. Hodges
101Kennedy, John Bible (Version 2) Martha M. Marble & Francis R. Hodges The Registry
102Kennedy, John Bright Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
103Kilpatrick, and Easley (Isler) Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
104King, and Shepard Bible Carol P. Martoccia
105Kirkland, and Pickle Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
106Koonce, Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
107Langston, Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
108Lassiter, Family Papers Rose Parks
109Laughinghouse, Bible Records Martha M. Marble The Registry
110Loftin, Bible Carol P. Martoccia
111Loftin, Elijah Perry Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
112Loftin, Major C. R. Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
113Loftin, Samuel Bible      Mark Mahler
114Loftin, Shadrack Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
115Loftin, William C. Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
116Loftin, William Cox Rhem Bible Steven Hill
117McCoy, William F. Bible (Version 1) Martha M. Marble The Registry
118McCoy, William F. Bible (Version 2)          Elizabeth Hayes
119McIlwean, Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
120Melton, Charlie M. Bible Christina Melton
121Mewborn, Ronald Earl Bible       Martha M. Marble The Registry
122Miller, Imla Nunn Bible Carol P. Martoccia
123Miller, Imla Nunn Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
124Miller, Tobias Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
125Moody, James M. Bible (Version 1) Carol P. Martoccia
126Moody, James M. Bible (Version 2) Patricia H. Armor
127Moore, Alfred Bible Charles A. Leath
128Moore, Family Bible Records Toni Hill
129Moore, James Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
130Moore, Needham Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
131Moseley, William & Sarah Kilpatrick Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
132Murphrey, Jethro Bible Francis R. Hodges
133Noble, Smith Bible       Martha M. Marble The Registry
134Nunn, Stephen and Nancy Moore Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
135Oxley, Augustus Family Bible     Glenn Fields
136Parrott, Simon B. Bible Francis R. Hodges
137Perry, Hardy Family Records Martha M. Marble The Registry
138Phillips, Curtis Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
139Phillips, John R. B. Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
140Phillips, William Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
141Pipkin, Isaac Bible      Guy Potts The Registry
142Pittman, and Gray Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
143Pittman, Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
144Pressly, Bible      Sloan S. Mason The Registry
145Rhodes, and Haskins Bible     Sloan S. Mason The Registry
146Rhodes, Family Bible             Sloan S. Mason The Registry
147Rhodes, John Knox Bible   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
148Robertson, Bible Brenda Stocks
149Rochelle, Indianna Sloan Bible   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
150Rouse, and Sutton Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
151Rouse, Ernest Roscoe and Mary Lella Sutton Bible Wyatt Cerri
152Rouse, Eugenia Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
153Rouse, Family Bible      Susan Hoffman
154Rouse, Jonathan Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
155Sanderson, Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
156Sanderson, William D. Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
157Shepard, Jacob K. Bible Carol P. Martoccia
158Shine, Daniel & John Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
159Simmons, George F. Bible Carol P. Martoccia
160Smith, and Spence Bible       Sloan S. Mason The Registry
161Sparrow, Isaac Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
162Spence, and Croom Bible          Sloan S. Mason The Registry
163Spence, Pinkney Hardy Bible       Sloan S. Mason The Registry
164Stroud, Family Register Carol P. Martoccia
165Suggs, Jensey Hill Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
166Sutton, and Taylor Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
167Sutton, Benjamin Franklin Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
168Sutton, Hardy Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
169Sutton, Henry India & Mattie Harper Bible        Marie Bolt
170Sutton, John Cicero Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
171Sutton, Mosely and Herring Bible       Sloan S. Mason The Registry
172Sutton, Parks and Elmore Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
173Taylor, Daniel and Elizabeth Rouse Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
174Taylor, Isaac Green Bible (Record 2)     Sloan S. Mason The Registry
175Taylor, Isaac Green Bible (Record 3)       Sloan S. Mason The Registry
176Taylor, Isaac Records Carol P. Martoccia
177Taylor, Joseph Bible Celia Fabos-becker
178Tilghman, John William Bible Carol P. Martoccia
179Tull, Charles Family Bible       Allen J. Barwick
180Tull, John Family Bible Guy Potts The Registry
181Tull, Winifred Watts Caldwell Book        Martha M. Marble The Registry
182Turner, Rhodes and Heath Bible   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
183Uzzell, Wright Smith Bible Carolyn B. Knott
184Vause, John I. Bible Carol P. Martoccia
185Waller, Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
186Walton, Bible Carol P. Martoccia
187Waters, and Hazzard Bible Betty L. Brown
188Waters, Bible Kay Waters Sakaris The Registry
189Waters, William Henry Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
190Watson, Jensey Family Bible Martin Hill
191Webb, James Barney Bible Carolyn Virginia Webb
192Webb, James S. Bible Webb
193West, Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
194West, Seth Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
195Westbrook, and Carr Family Bible Jack Elliot
196Westbrook, and Rhodes Bible             Sloan S. Mason The Registry
197Westbrook, Bible Sloan S. Mason The Registry
198Westbrook, Charles Bible Jack Elliot
199White, and Creach Family Paper Carol P. Martoccia
200White, Furney Bible Carol P. Martoccia

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