North Carolina USGenWeb Archives

Jones County, North Carolina
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Total Records: 16
1Bryan, James Hardy Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
2Davis, Senas Bible        Sloan S. Mason The Registry
3Green, William & Georgiana McDaniel Bible        Sloan S. Mason The Registry
4Harrison, Simmons & Holland Bibl Sloan S. Mason The Registry
5Hatch, Edmund Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
6Hill, Stephen Franklin Family Bible Steven Hill
7Koonce, Johan Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
8Kornegay, Isaac & Hester Hargett Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
9Perry, George W. & Sara Koonce Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
10Rhodes, Brantly Felix & Rilly Wineford Heath Bible      Sloan S. Mason The Registry
11Rhodes, John Knox Family   Sloan S. Mason The Registry
12Rhodes, Zaccheus & Westbrook Bible                 Sloan S. Mason The Registry
13Simmons, A. B. Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
14Stewart, Jesse & Sarah McLamb Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry
15Williams, James & Sue Noble Bible     Sloan S. Mason The Registry
16Wood, Young Bible Martha M. Marble The Registry

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