Wayne County, NC - Bibles File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Marth Marble <mmarble@erols.com> Young Wood was born in Sampson Co, his wife was born in Lenoir and they were married in Wayne County. Several of their children were born in Wayne Co and then they moved to Barbour County, Alabama. Henry County, Ala is also mentioned as several other places and Georgia is mentioned. YOUNG WOOD BIBLE A typed copy found at the DAR Library, Washington, DC - Barbour County, Alabama GRC - 1971 S1 - V140. Our thanks to the DAR Library for permission to post. There appear to be a number of typos so use with caution. Bible presented to the Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Alabama by Miss Minnie Davis The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. The Text Comparable to the Standard of the American Bible Society. Philadelphia; Published by Keppencott, Grambo &co., Successors to Grigg, Elliot &Co., No 14 North Fourth Street, 1851 MARRIAGES Young Wood the Son of Furnifild Wood and Abigail Wood his wife was borned the 22 day of September 1794 in Sampson County, North Carolina. Rosanna Byrd Daughter of Rich. Byrd and Jean Byrd his wife was borned the 27 day of September 1802 in Linone ? (sic) County, North Carolina NOTE: This would be Lenoir County, NC - mmm Young Wood and Rosanna Wood his wife was married the 22 day of December 1825 in Wayne County, North Carolina John R. Wood the son of the above parents was bourned the 5 day of January 1829 in Wayne County, North Carolina Nancey Ann Wood daughter of the above parants was bourned the 5 day of January 1829 in Wayne County, North Carolina Green Wood the son of the above parants was bourned the 22 day of April 1830 in Wayne County, North Carolina William D. Wood the son of the above parants was bourned the 22 day of Sept 1835 in Barbour County, Alabama George W. Searcy and Nancy Ann Wood were married in Georgetown, Ga., E. F. Davis of Lawrenceville, Ala., and Mary Ann Searcy were married May 10, 1868 by John J. Cassady Fred Bacon Cullens and Annie Laurie Davis were married in Ozark, Ala. Sep. 17, 1890 by Rev. Sellers Lovick W. Phillips and George Searcy Davis were married in Ozark, Ala. by Rev. Hurly Elnathan (sic) Franklin Davis II married Mrs. ---sia Brunson Byrd, (private information) Marriages written on a sheet of paper and clipped to the Bible Mary Florine Davis married Ben Posey, N. Carolina, Jan 1909 Lovick W. Philips married Mabel ---- (date private information) Abram Lewis Philips married Mary Rice (private information) Helen Davis Cullens married William James Carter - (private information) BIRTHS Elnathan Franklin Davis, Oct 5, 1835, Henry Co., Georgia near Griffin Mary Annie Searcy, Henry Co., Ala., March 5, 1851 Minnie May Davis, Feb. 20, 1869, Lawrenceville, Ala. James Jefferson Davis, Jan. 6, 1871, Lawrenceville, Ala. Annie Laura Davis, Feb. 14, 1873, Lawrenceville, Ala. Alberta Clyde Davis, Feb. 26, 1875, Lawrenceville, Ala. George Searcy Davis, Feb. 16, 1878, Lawrenceville, Ala. Mary Florine Davis, Dec. 16, 1880, Eufaula, Ala. Emma Lydia Davis, July 2, 1883, Eufaula, Ala. Elnathan Franklin Davis, June 15, 1891, Ozark, Ala. Frederick Bacon Cullens, Jr., Oct. 4, 1891, Ozark, Ala. Annie Laurie Cullens, May 30, 1893, Ozark, Ala. James Wimberly Cullens, Aug. 4, 1895, Ozark, Ala. John Frances Cullens, Nov. 2, 1897, Ozark, Ala. Mary Emma Cullens, April 11, 1903, Ozark, Ala Helen Cullens, Ozark, Ala. Lovick Wynton Philips, Russell Co., Ala Georgie Bert Phillips, Russell Co., Ala. James Franklin Philips, Russell Co., Ala. Abram Lewis Philips, 1st, Oct. 1, 1908, Columbus, Ga. NOTE: There are five additional entries too recent to post DEATHS Young Wood, County Line Rosanna Wood, County Line George W. Searcy, April 26, 1880, Henry Co., Ala., buried at County Line Nancy Ann Searcy, July 4, 1905, Henry Co, Ala, buried at County Line E. Frank Davis, Sept 15, 1906, Montgomery, Ala, Alberta Clyde Davis, Montgomery, Apr. 29,1925 James Jefferson Davis, June 19, 1928 Mary Ann Davis, Dec. 1929 Georgia Searcy Philips, Jan. 1931 Florine Davis Posey, Oct. 1938 Georgia Bert Philips, Oct. 1942 Girl Baby of L. W. and Georgia Philips, Russell Co., Ala. James Franklin Philips, Russell Co.. ============================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. The electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ==============================================================