JONES COUNTY, NC - BIBLES - John Knox Rhodes Bible
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Bible Record of John Knox RHODES
Interview and Bible Record copied by Jane PHILLIPS of Kinston, N.C. from the 
bible, owned by Bessie Pike RHODES of Jacksonville, N.C.-Jan. 4, 1999.

Bible handed down from LOKEY/MARKETT families of Jones Co.,N.C.

Printed: American Bible Society
By D. & G. Bruce
Printer: D. FANSHAW
New York

John Knox RHODES born August 3, 1901 at Silverdale, Craven Co.,N.C.
Died January 26, 1989 in Jacksonville, N.C.
Married Bessie PIKE of Duplin Co.,N.C.

His father was:
James Franklin RHODES, married Catherine Jane WELLS of Havelock, N.C.
Daughter of William WELLS and Abigale GILLIKIN.
James Franklin RHODES, was born Oct. 11, 1861 at Pollocksville, Jones Co.,N.C.
Catherine Jane WELLS was born May 8, 1867?

George Washington RHODES-was a teacher, principal at Bath & Newport
Henry RHODES-lived at Wendell
Abbie RHODES-married a RIGGS and lived at Fort Barnwell
Annie RHODES-married a PITTMAN and lived at Bridgeton
Benjamin Franklin RHODES-contractor, lived in Durham
James Albert RHODES-lived at Bridgeton
Mary RHODES-lived at New Bern
Nancy RHODES-married a BUCK, lived in New Bern
John Knox RHODES-a teacher.

His father was:
Benjamin Franklin RHODES, who married Annie LOKEY
Daughter of Leave LOKEY and Mary Ann MARKETT.
John Franklin LOKEY, son of Leave LOKEY and Mary Ann MARKETT was born 11 Sept. 
in the year of our Lord 1845.

His father was James J. RHODES and he married 1st-(unknown), 2nd- Winifred 

Bessie RHODES stated her family came from Oliver Xrds section of Duplin Co., 
near Pink Hill.
Her great great Aunt was Martha HEATH. Martha was related to the BOYETTES. She 
was married to Dave CRAFT. Bessie had 2 great uncles that were named Columbus 
and Vance HEATH. She named other HEATH relatives:Ira HEATH, Polly DAVENPORT, 
Levi HEATH, and John Daniel HEATH.