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         This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb
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Copy of found at Heritage Place, Lenoir County Community College, Kinston,
North Carolina - Vertical File # Koonce  11820
We thank the staff at LCC for their permission to copy selected documents
from their files to place on the internet. It is requested that researchers
give appropriate credit when using these documents. Permission to combine
said documents together in printed form is not given.
The original in the possession of Charles R. Holloman who transcribed the
below and had the transcript notarized.  Mr. Holloman states the entry is
in pen and pencil, the cover is grayish blue in color. The entry is too dim
to copy but it can be read.  On the front cover is written "Rachrichten aus
der Bruder-Gemeine.  1845.  Junstes Hest" 
From my Bible which is Dutch 

Johan Cunys was a Palatine and come to America A. D. 1710 and was killed in  
battle by Tuskaraurs Indians at Core Creek on September 23rd  A. D. 1711. 
Age 36 years.

George Koonce the soul surviving child of Johan Koonce died on Jany. The 
28th A. D. 1778 age 73 yrs and 9 mos. And 24 days.

Captain Michal Koonce the son of George Koonce, Senr. Died on August the
4th 1782 at an age of 52 yrs 1 mos and 29 days.

Rev. Elijah Koonce son of Captn Michael Koonce and wife Eliza was borned
August 8th 1780 A. D. and died on December the 2nd in the year of Our Lord
Jesus 1840.
And these are all the generations of the faters of James Wiley's Benjamin
Koonce as are known about to him he being the youngest child of Rev. Elijah
Koonce and wife Temperance Blackshear.
I was borned on March the 5th 1814 at Trenton, NC
                          Your affectionate father
                           Wiley Koonce