Jones County NcArchives Bible Records.....Green, McDaniel, King Bible ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan S. Mason March 28, 2023, 1:51 pm Transcribed by Martha Marble & Sloan Mason Jones County, NC GREEN, MCDANIEL, KING Bible Courtesy of Lonnie Blizzard (includes several pictures related to the family) GREEN-McDANIEL-KING BIBLE BIRTHS George M. McDaniel Son of Risdal McDaniel Was Born April 22th 1822. William Green. Son of David Green and Leer his Wife was Born April 12th 1829 Georgiana McDaniel. daughter of George M. McDaniel and Prudy his Wife was born Jan. 9th 1850. George W. Green. Son of William Green and Georgiana his Wife, was born Dec 14th 1866. Joseph B. Greene. Son of William Green and Georgiana his Wife, was born Jan. 23rd 1869. Prudy V. Green, Daughter of William Green and Georgiana his Wife, was born Feb. 9th 1871. Laura A. Green, Daughter of William Green and Georgiana his Wife, was born Aug. 4th 1873. John D. Green, Son of William MARRIAGES William Green and Georgiana McDaniel Were Married 31 of Decber 1864 DEATHS William Green Son of David Green and Leer his Wife Died Sept 24th 1876. George M. McDaniel Son of Risdal McDaniel Died October 19th 1849 John D. Green Son of William Green and Georgiana his Wife Died September the 8th 1878 Furnifold King Son of Furnifold King and Georgiana his Wife Died Septem the 12 1880 George W. Greene Son of William Greene and Georgiana his wife Died Dec. 24 1897 Joseph B. Green Son of William Green and Georgiana his Wife Died the 9th of April 1913 This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb