JONES COUNTY, NC - BIBLES - Hatch Family Bibles
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NOTE: It appears there is more than one Bible in this Collection

From the Collection of Cullen Hatch, found at Heritage Place, Lenoir 
County Community College, Kinston, NC


These are the birth dates taken from the Bible of Edmond Hatch and his 
wife Lucy. It was in the possession of James Rhodes Hatch in 1938. 
Signed by Cullen Hatch

Benjamin Hatch was born Jan. 3, 1747

Edmund Hatch was born Feb. 8, 1749

Lemuel Hatch was born May --- 1750

Sarah Hatch was born Aug. 21, 1751

Lucy Louisa Hatch was born Nov. 13, 1756

Jane Hatch was born ---- 1759

Elizabeth Hatch was born Sept. 3, 1760

Joseph Hatch was born Dec. 2, 1762

Charles Hatch was born Feb. 8, 1765

Hephzibah Hatch was born May 21, 1768

Edmund Hatch married Mary Bryan March 5, 1772

This is a copy of an original Bible, but the Bible is not identified and
there was not a copy of the first page. Hatch has a note these pages 
were given to him by Mary O'Berry who stated they were found in the 
papers of Benj. J. Griswold. They are evidently copied from the Rich. B. 
Hatch Bible


Richard Blackledge Hatch was born on Sunday morning 8th Oct. 1797

Rhodes Clarissa Rhodes was born 9 April 1800

Rich. B. Hatch & R. Clarissa Rhodes were married 26 Dec. 1820

Joseph Rhodes Hatch son of Richard B. & Clarissa Hatch was born 
Wednesday 17th of Oct. in the year of our Lord 1821 - 10 o'clock AM

James Edward Hatch son of Richard B. and Clarissa Hatch was born Tuesday
evening 4th May 1824 About 9 Oclock PM

Ann Blackledge Hatch daughter - rest missing



James Edward Griswold son of B. J. G. & A. B. Griswold was borne the 8th
day of August 9 Oclock at Night 1848

Fountain J. Smith Son of David E. & Louisa M. Smith was borne Monday 3 
of July about ? oclock in the afternon 1848

Buckner L. ? Griswold son of B. J. &. A. B. Griswold was born the last 
day of August 1850

Benj. J. Griswold Son of B. J. G. & A. B. G. was borne the 5th of June 

Daughter of Richard B. Hatch & Judie (sic) his wife was born September 
10th 1852?


James Edward Hatch departed this life 4 August 1827, 3 oclock

There was another little boy and a girl that was not named dieing to 

Benj. J. Griswold son of B. J. & A. B. Griswold die June 13th 1856

Fountain Jacob Smith sweet flower of Earth died on the 3rd of July at 
about 3 o'clock at Night 1850 liking a few hours of being 2 years old.

NOTE: There is a note in the margin that Fountains marker with the same
inscription is in the cemetery on my farm. C. Hatch

Florence J. Smith daughter of D. E. & L. M. Smith died - rest either
missing or too light to copy


Richard Blackledge Hatch was born on Sunday morning 8th Oct. 1797

Rhodes Clarissa Rhodes was born 9th April 1800

Joseph Rhodes Hatch son of the above parents Rich. B. Hatch & R. 
Clarissa Hatch (who were married 26th Dec 1820) was born in Jones County 
on Wednesday 17th Oct. 1821

James Edward Hatch son of Richard B. Hatch and Clarissa Hatch was born
Tuesday evening 4th May 1824 About 9 oclock PM

Ann Blackledge Hatch daughter of Richard B. Hatch and Clarissa his wife 
was born on Tuesday 28th August 1827 about 12 in the AM

Maria Louisa Hatch daughter of Richard B. and Clarissa Hatch was born
Monday 19th Oct 1829 About 9 Oclock PM

Richard Blackledge Hatch son of Richard B. & Clarissa Hatch was born 
26th Dec 1831 Monday 10 Oclock PM


A family record kept in my own way without respect to the printed 
captions taken from other records. Rich B. Hatch

Joseph Hatch (my Rich. B. Hatch's father) and son of Edmund & Lucy Hatch
was born 2nd Dec 1762

Joseph Hatch (the above mentioned) married Ann Blackledge 8 ??the Feby 
1787 ?? of whom the following progeny descended viz Lucy Louisa Hatch 
born 21st Jan 1788 who was afterwards married to Francis Lamoth ?? a 
gentleman from the Island of S. Domingo - Fanny ?? (name not readable) 
Hatch who married Solomon E. Grant - Ann Bass Hatch who married Ivy 
Watson and Richard Blackledge Hatch that married Rhodes Clarissa Rhodes 
of Wayne County - there were 5 other children all of whom died under age 
or before the day of marriage 

Daniel E. Smith & S. M. Hatch were married the 25th day of May 1847

Benj. J. Griswold & A. B. Hatch were married the 12 day of Oct. 1847