Jones County NcArchives Bible Records.....Perry Bible ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Martha M. Marble September 10, 2010, 5:17 pm PERRY BIBLE Typed copy found in the Kellenberger Room, Craven County Library, Perry Folder. The spelling has been retained COPY OF HANDWRITTEN NOTEBOOK IN POSSESSION OF MARY PERRY COBB LAUGHINGHOUSE Copy made 1 June 1965 TITLE PAGE Handwriting of G. W. Perry My Family Record Containing the births and deaths of my brothers and sisters also the births and death of my own children and the births of my sisters children together with my wifes age and mine and our marriage with the birth and marriage of our half brother Tis is my family record of my own constructioun. Signed G. W. Perry Page one FAMILY RECORD MARRIAGES George W. Perry and Sara B. Koonce was married February the 17th day A. D. 1846 Simon E. Koonce and Nancy R. Laroque was married February the 21st day A. D. 1850 Simon E. Koonce and Lucy E. Duval was married the 4th day of December A. D. 1855 Handwriting # 2 Hardy H. Perry and Eva B. Hines were married on the 24th day of December A. D. 1874 Carolina Perry and J. O. Foy were married on the 17th day of December A. D. 1874 Page two Handwriting of G. W. Perry FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS (Marginal notes) For the deaths of my father and mother's children see page 14 AGES OF THE CHILDREN OF MY PARENTS Silas Perry and Mary Perry namely Thomas was born the 27th day of March, 1817 Sara Ann Susan was born the 8th day of January, 1819 George Woolfe was born the 18 day of March, 1821 Silas Jonas was born the 31st day of January, 1823 The above is a correct statement of the ages of all the children of my parents and recorded by me, G. W. Perry Page Three FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS (Marginal note) For the deaths see page twelve September 2 George Woolfe Perry was born March 18, 1821, and my wife Sara Becton was born the 22 day of December, 1829, and the ages of our children is as follows, to wit: Silas was born the 14th of August, 1847 Mary was born 26th of March, 1849 Hardy Hill was born the 10th day of February, 1851 Oliver Hasard was born the 27th of January, 1854 Augustus was born the 20th of February, 1856 Carolina was born the 10th of October, 1857 Virginiar was born the 27 of April, 1860 Martha Davis was born the 24 of May, 1862 Page Four FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS (Handwriting No. 3) Martha Davis, the fourth daughter of G. W. and S. E. Perry, his wife was born the 24 of May, 1862 (Handwriting of G.W.P) Maude was born the 14th of January, 1866 Page Five FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS Age of my sister Sara Anne Susan and her children, the age of her husband, Melcher Rhem I know not yet he was older than my sister Her ch., Mary Ann Elisabeth was born the 30th of December, 1836 William Silas was born 15th of September, 1838 Edward Hardy was born the 4th of June, 1840 Christianna was born the 24th of June, 1842 Page Six FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS The following is the age of my half brother Simon Edwards Koonce was born the 9th of November, 1825. This is a son of the second marriage of my mother and the onley child of that marriage Age of my wife S. B. Koonc Sarah Becton Koonce was born the 22nd of December, 1829 My half brother is so to me on my mothers side and is the same to my wife on her farthers side PAGE SEVEN FAMILY RECORD BEARTHS (Handwriting No. 4) Martha F. Koonce was born September 30th, 1838 Will be 69 in September of this year, 1905 (Handwriting No. 5) Martha F. Koonce, daughter of Benjamin and Harriett Koonce, died Aug. the 28, 1905 Page Eight FAMILY RECORDS BEARTHS Page blank Page Nine FAMILY RECORDS BIRTHS (In this page is a printed calling card, on which is printed Miss Mary Perry Cobb along with a brown-tone picture of her, estimated 16 years old. In handwriting on this card appears this note (handwriting No. 6), only child of B. P. Cobb and Maud P. Cobb, born June 12, 1888) (Handwriting No. 7) Mary Perry Cobb, daughter of B. P. and Maud P. Cobb, was born June 12th, 1888 Sallie Benjamin Cobb, daughter of B. P. and M. P. Cobb, was born May 9th, 1890 (Handwriting No. 8) Ned Laughinghouse born Nov. 10, 1886 Eliza O'Hagan Laughinghouse, daughter of Ned and Mary Cobb Laughinghouse, was born Oct. 25, 1909 (Handwriting No. 9) Ned Perry Laughinghouse, son of Ned and Mary Cobb Laughinghouse, was born Aug. 7th, 1917 Page Ten (Handwriting of No 10) FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS William Lanice Foy, son of J. O. and Carolina Foy, was born Tuesday, October 12th, 1875 (weight 12 pounds at birth) (Handwriting No. 7) Sarah Elizabeth Foy, daughter of J. O. and Carolina Foy, was born October 30th, 1877 St. Helena Foy, daughter of J. O. and Carolina Foy, was born April 28th, 1880 Maude Inez Foy, daughter of J. O. and Carolina Foy, was born June 13th, 1882 Page Eleven FAMILY RECORDS BIRTHS (Handwriting No. 10) Evilina Robenia Perry, the only child of H. H. and Eva B. Perry, was born Thursday, September 16th, at 5 oclock in the morning in the year 1875 Page Twelve (Handwriting of G. W. Perry) FAMILY RECORDS DEATHS (Marginal notes: For the ages, see page 3 and for my marriage, see page 1) The following is the dates of the deaths of my children Silas dide the 27th day of August, 1847 Mary dide the 12th day of August, 1853 Augustus dide the 1st of October, 1856 Martha Davis Perry dide the 20 of May, 1864 Verginiar Perry dide the 13 of September, 1864 (Handwriting No. 2) George Wolf Perry departed this life on the 7th day April A.D. 1877 (Handwriting No. 7) Hardy Hill Perry, son of G. W. and Sarah B. Perry, died August 28th, 1901 (Handwriting No. 11) Sarah Becton Perry, widow of George W. Perry, died Sunday, 6:45 A.M. Nov. 1st, 1903 Page Thirteen FAMILY RECORDS DEATHS (Handwriting No. 10) Evilina Benners Hines, daughter of J. J. and Robenia A. Hines and wife of Hardy H. Perry, departed this life Saturday, September 18th, at half past twelve oclock at night in the year 1875 (in the 21st year of her age) Evilina Robenia Perry, daughter of H. H. & Eva B. Perry, departed this life Tuesday, October 17th, in the year 1875 (7 oclock in the morning, age 1 month and 3 days) (Handwriting No 7) Sallie B. Cobb died October 26th, 1890, age five months and seventeen days (Handwriting No. 4) Carolina Foy, daughter of G. W. and S. B. Perry, died Dec. 26th, 1906, age 47 Page Fourteen (Handwriting, G. W. Perry) FAMILY RECORDS DEATHS (Marginal notes: For the births, see page 2) The following is the dates of the deths of the children of my parrants (Silas & Mary Perry) to wit The date of the deth of Thomas I know not Sarah Ann Susan Rhem dide 24th of August, 1845 in Jones Co, NC, the same county she was born Silas Jonas Perry dide 16th of December, 1845, in the sitey of Mobile, Alabama, half after 11 oclock in the night and was buried there. He was born in Jones Co., NC (Handwriting No. 10) Simon E. Koonce departed this life, Thursday, October 21st, 1875, and was buried in Trenton, Jones County, NC Page Fifteen FAMILY RECORDS MARRIAGES (Handwriting No. 7) Benjamine P. Cobb and Maud Perry was married 17th February, 1880 (or 1886?) A.D. (Handwriting No. 8) Ned Laughinghouse and Mary Perry Cobb was married Jan. 12, 1909 Page Sixteen FAMILY RECORDS MARRIAGES (Handwriting No. 7) Maud Inez Foy and Leonidas John Moore were married on the 7th of Sep., 1904 Page Seventeen (Handwriting No. 6) Oliver Hazard Perry & Clara Bell Carmon (?) were married May 3rd, 1882 Page Eighteen (Handwriting No. 6) BIRTHS AND DEATHS Oliver Hazard, son of O. H. and Clara B. Perry, was born Dec. 25, 1882 George Agustus, son of O. H. and Clara B. Perry, born Jan. 21, 1884 Marcus Washington Carman (?), son of O. H. and Clara B. Perry, was born May 10, 1888 Annie Becton, daughter of O. H. and Clara Perry, was born Jan. 12, 1890 Oliver Hazard, son of O. G. and Clara B. Perry, died June 28, 1883, age 6 months & 2 days Page Nineteen St. Hellena Goy, daughter of J. O. & Carolina Foy, died January 17th, 1919, age 38 years & 9 months (Handwriting Mary C. Laughinghouse) Oliver H. Perry, son of G. W. and Sarah B. Perry, died (no date) Maud Perry Cobb, daughter of G. W. and (sic) Sarah B. Perry, died June 8, 1927 Daniel Wolf Perry, son of O. H. and Mary A. Perry, died (no date) Page Twenty Blank Page Twenty One (Handwriting No. 6) Oliver H. Perry and Mary Arnol was married November, 1895 Q. (Quinn) G. Southland (Southerland) and Annie Becton Perry was married (no date) Page Twenty Two Daniel Wolf Perry, son of O. H. and Mary Perry, was born Aug. 25, 1896 Oliver Hazzard Perry, son of O. H. & Mary Perry, was born November 17th, 1906 Page Twenty-Three The birth of L. J. & Maud Foy Moore's children Lucy Park Moore was born January 5th, 1906 Sarah Elizabeth Moore was born February 6, 1908 L. J. Moore Jr. was born July 31, 1909 Hardy Perry Moore was born December 3, 1911 William (Terry) Foy Perry Moore was born January 7, 1914. Page Twenty-Four Benjiman (Tolonces ?) Moore was born December 14, 1916 Sam Street Moore was born June 16, 1918 IN THE BACK OF THIS BOOK IS A RECORD OF SLAVES BORN, ALL IN THE HANDWRITING OF G. W. PERRY. THESE PAGES ARE NUMBERED. PAGE 1 BLACKS, FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS (AILCY'S CHILDREN) Christopher was born April 3, 1835 Mary was born February 8, 1837 Harriet was born May 4, 1839 Mitchael was born May 1, 1841 An was born April 28, 1843 Rachal was born March 29, 1845 Owen was born July 17, 1847 Henry was born May 30, 1849 Franklen was born March 3, 1853 PAGE 2 BLACKS, FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS (MONEN'S CHILDREN) Basil was born May 29, 1847 Juliar was born August 9, 1848 Martha was born January 31, 1850 Marylisar was born Mach 21, 1852 Lewis was born September 30, 1853 (dead) Amanda was born May 13, 1855 Boy no name was born November 24, 1856 (dead) Eleander was born November 11, 1857 Silvester was born June 24, 1859 PAGE 3 BLACKS, FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS (MARY'S CHILDREN) Mariah was born October 10, 1854 (dead) Ablis (?) was born July 28, 1856 (dead) Norris was born December 14, 1857 James was born August 21, 1861 PAGE 4 BLACKS, FAMILY RECORD (BOUGHT) BIRTHS (AN'S CHILDREN) Nancy was born October 14, 1855 (dead) Christoana was born December 6, 1858 (dead) Lila was born March 14, 1860 Lesar (?) was born October 13, 1861 PAGE 5 BLACKS, FAMILY RECORD (BOUGHT) BIRTHS (JULIARAN'S CHILDREN) Louveniar was born January 11, 1857 Sarah was born July 10, 1858 Emmer was born December 19, 1859 (dead) Mary was born March 15, 1861 PAGE 6 BLACKS, FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS (HEARRIET'S CHILDREN) Isaac was born August 26, 1856 (dead) PAGE 7 BLACKS, FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS (MANNA'S CHILDREN) NOTE: The name is almost not readable on the copy Simmons was born March 29, 1858 PAGE 8 BLACKS, FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS George was born December 12, 1843 Gaston was born August 19, 1845 George is a child of Welthy Gaston is a child of Mary PAGE 9 BLACKS, FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS, (AN'S CHILDREN'S AGES) Susan was born December 22, 1859 PAGE 10 BLACKS, FAMILY RECORD BIRTHS (RACHAL'S CHILDREN'S AGES) Louisar was born May 9th, 1860 FOLLOWING THE RECORD OF SLAVES WAS THE FOLLOWING IN HANDWRITING NO. 2 HORSES' AGES OF O. H. PERRY Ethan Allen, Jr was folded May 23rd 1870 NOTE: the date is not clear. Ethan Allen is sired by Ethan Allen and dammed by Mollie, a fast trotter belonging to L. J. Moore and known as the Moore mare. END OF BOOK Copied by L. S. Blades, III This file has been created by a form at File size: 11.9 Kb