Jones County NcArchives Bible Records.....Hargett/Sheifer/Stewart Bibles
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Martha Marble October 1, 2005, 5:27 pm


Scanned copy of these records provided by Leslie Filer to the Craven County Library. A copy will be 
placed at Heritage Place, LCC Library. Ms. Filer made several notes of 
explanation on the copies and those notes are included.  These Bibles 
have information from Jones, Lenoir, Pitt, Harnett, and Cumberland 
Counties. Transcribed by Martha Mewborn Marble.

The Old and New Testaments

New York
Published by J. Emory and B. Waugh for the Methodist Episcopal Church 
at the Conference Office, 14 Crosby Street, J. Collord, Printer 1829

NOTE: This Bible belonged to Jesse Stewart born 3 March 1818 in 
Cumberland Co, NC and Sarah McLamb born 1818 in Cumberland Co.

Amos a slave born in the 20th of March 1836

George the son of Fan was born in the 27year of our Lord (blob of ink) 
March 1834

Cuesin was born Jan the 2 1840

Ecnder was borned December (date not readable but a single digit) 184 
(last digit a blob)

Corin or Covin was borned the 26 April 1845

Henry was born May 1847

Everhia ??? was born 1849

Elis was born Janery the 2 1852

Chairty was born April 1854


NOTE: Torn pages tucked inside the larger Bible (1829 print date) of 
Jesse Stewart and Sarah McLamb

NOTE: Duncan James Stewart  Harnett County
Sarah E. Pleasant  Harnett County


Duncan J. Stewart Son of Jesse Stewart and Sarah Stewart was born April 
12th 1852

Sarah E. Pleasant daughter of Laserous Pleasant & James Pleasant was 
born Dec 20  (most of the date is gone but it looks like it could have 
been 1847 or  1857)

Duncan J. Stewart and Sarah E. Pleasant was Married July 1st A.D. 1877

Dec. 20 A.D. 1878
(no additional information)

Lula J. Stewart Daughter of Duncan J. Stewart was born Feb. 14th A.D. 

Jesse C. Stewart and Lessie C. Stewart, twins, Son and Daughter of 
Duncan J. Stewart and Sarah E. Stewart was born Jan. 8th 1884

Sarah H. Stewart Daughter of Duncan J. Stewart and Sarah E. Stewart was 
born Sept. 28 A.D. 18  rest of date is missing


The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
New York, American Bible Society, 1893

NOTE: Bible of Susie Hargett born 17 July 1903 in Jones Co and died in 
1958  parents Charles Clarence Hargett and Zora (Bryan) Hargett. She 
married James lee Cobb of Pitt County

Susie E. Hargett joined the M.E. church & was sprinkled by Rev. Parker 
Nov. 5, 1913 Was 10 years old July 17, 1913

God Bless & save her is Aunt Ida's prayer

NOTE: Aunt Ida was Ida Julia Hargett, daughter of James Reynolds 
Hargett and Susan Koonce

Susie Elizabeth Hargett Born July 17th 1903 Married to James Lee Cobb 
July 7th 1927 on Thursday



NOTE: This tiny booklet was found in the cedar chest of Hargett family 
along with Family Bibles and quilts.  This little booklet is stitched 
with thread.  My guess is that it was written by Mary (Sheifer) 
Hargett, wife of Lewis, and that the last entry was made by Susan 
(Hargett) Koonce.

Mary Shelfer daughter of John & Pheby Shelfer was born October 29th day 
in the year of our Lord 1797 And Departed this life January 26th day in 
the year of our Lord 1846

Winifred B. Harget daughter of Lewis Harget and Mary his wife was born 
May 2nd day in the year of our Lord 1819  And Departed this life May 
12th day in the Year of our Lord 1843

Michael K. Harget Son of Lewis and Mary Harget was born December 19th 
day in the year of our Lord 1820.

Frederick and Elisabeth Harget Son & daughter of Lewis and Mary Harget 
was born December 8th day in the year of our Lord 1823

Susan Harget daughter of Lewis and Mary Harget was born May 30th day in 
the year of our Lord 1826

James R. Harget son of Lewis and Mary Harget was born July 4th day in 
the year of our Lord 1829

Lewis W. Harget son of Lewis and Mary Harget was born July 6th day in 
the year of our Lord 1831

Alice Harget Daughter of Lewis and Mary Harget was born February 11th 
day in the year of our Lord 1833

Ann Mariah Harget Daughter of Lewis and Mary Harget was born October 
26th day in the year of our Lord 1834 And Departed this life March 21st 

Alfred Harget son of Lewis and Mary Harget was born March 4th day in 
the year of our Lord 1836

Amos S. Koonce and Susan Harget was married February 12th Day in the 
year of Lord 1845

Amos Koonce Died July 26, 1882

Susan Koonce his wife Died Nov. 13, 1892

Josephus Koonce died Dec. 8 1879


BIBLE PAGES of the Charlie Clarence Hargett and Zora Elizabeth Bryan 

Charlie Clarence Hargett and Zora Elizabeth Bryan were united in Holy 
Matrimony on Wednesday the 15th day of March 1893 at her Father's home 
in Lenoir Co.


Robert James son of C. C. & Zora E. Hargett was born Tues. 
July 9th 1895

Jasper Bryan son of C. C. & Zora E. Hargett was born Thurs. 
June 17th 1897

Milton Clarence son of C. C. & Zora E. Hargett was born Thurs 
June 21st 1900

Susan Elizabeth daughter of C. C. & Zora E. Hargett was born Fri 
July 17th 1903

James & Margaret son & daughter of C. C. & Zora E. Hargett was born 
Tues June 26th 1906

Mike Shelfer son of C. C. & Zora E. Hargett was born Monday 
July 13, 1908


Robert James son of C. C. & Zora E. Hargett died Nov. 19th 1898

James son of C. C. & Zora E. Hargett died May 16th 1907

Margaret daughter of C. C. & Zora E. Hargett died May 21, 1907

Mike Shelfer son of C. C. & Zora Hargett died July 31st 1931

Jasper Bryan son of C. C. and Zora E. Hargett died August 27, 1939

NOTE: Small scrap of paper found tucked into the Zora/Charlie Hargett 
Bible. Paper seems much older than most of the other scraps and 
possibly written by Mary (Shelfer) Hargett, wife of Lewis Hargett

Negro Moriah was born December 8 1843

Mary was born July the 22 1850

John Shelfer Died 5 April 1846

His wife Elizabeth Shelfer 25 1850

Eliza Kinsey his Daughter died Feb 26, 1858

Nancy Griffin his Daughter Died 4 March 1858

Elizabeth Shelfer his Daughter Died March 6 1858


NOTE: Scrap piece of paper

Susan Koonce Hargett wife of James Reynolds Hargett died Feb. 9, 1896

James R. Hargett died Aug. 12, 1914


NOTE: Obituary for Susan (Koonce) Hargett and lined note found tucked 
between pages of Zora/Charlie Hargett Bible.  The obit states that 
Susan is survived by 2 daughters and 4 sons.  To my knowledge she had 
only 1 daughter and 2 sons.

Mrs. Susan Hargett, wife of Mr. James R. Hargett of near Trenton, Jones 
county, died February 10th, aged 67 years.  Her husband, two daughter 
and four sons survive her.  She was a consistent member of the 
Christian church.  Rev. C. W. Howard of near Kinston, conducted the 
funeral which was attended by a large number of friends and relatives.


NOTE:  Scraps tucked into the Zora/Charlie Hargett Bible

Willie Jesse Hargett was baptized into the M. E. church by Henry E. 
Tripp on first Sunday Nov 1895 at Lee's Chapel, Jones Co, NC
Swindell Presiding Eld.

Funeral of S. K. Hargett preached by C. W. Howard
1st Thessalonians
4 chapt
Song  I would not live always
Sun Feb. 10 1896

Rev. C. W. Howard preached the funeral of James Reynolds Hargett Aug 
13, 1914
J. R. Hargett was borne July 4, 1929 (sic)
Died Aug 12, 1914 was 85 years 1 mo & 8 das

Susan K. Hargett was born April 26, 1828 was 67 yrs 9 mos. 13 days

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