North Carolina USGenWeb Archives

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
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Total Records: 31
1Campbell, George W.  __/__/____/__/__Carolyn Golowka The Registry
2Collins, Mrs. W. E.  __/__/____/__/__Carolyn Shank
3Graham, Major Joseph  __/__/1759__/__/1836Carolyn Shank
4Hipp, Stephen  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
5Hipp, Valentine  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
6Hood, Tunas Descendants  __/__/____/__/__Cyrus J. Wilson, III
7Jamison, Arthur  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
8Jamison, Thomas  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
9Johnston, John  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
10Johnston, Nathaniel  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
11Kerr, Joseph  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
12Lawing, William  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
13Long, John  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
14Maxwell, Ann  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
15McClure, Mathew  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
16McClure Jr., John  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
17McCoy, Beaty  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
18McCracken, James  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
19Moffett, William  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
20Monteith, Nathaniel  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
21Moore, James  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
22Moore, Joseph  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
23Patton, Charles  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
24Pharr, John Newton  __/__/____/__/__Rosie H. Guthrie
25Potts, John Reunion  __/__/____/__/1919Guy Potts The Registry
26Ramsey, William  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
27Russell, David  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
28Smith, William Henry  __/__/____/__/__Rosie H. Guthrie
29Stephenson, Richard  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
30Sullivan, Jeremiah  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey
31Sullivan, Patrick  __/__/____/__/__Lee Kemp Ramsey

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