Mecklenburg County NcArchives Biographies.....Patton, Charles 
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Lee Kemp Ramsey March 3, 2025, 6:37 am

Source: The Long Creek Settlement and the Gum Branch East of the Catawba River
Author: Unknown

Charles Patton - Head of Household 1790 U.S. Census: Charles Patton is 
found by land deed on Garr Creek, just north of Long Creek, on 9 Dec 
1769. His 1790 household was made up of one male child and a female 
head of household. His will dated 21 Mar 1804, describes him as in a 
sickly state of health, and it was probated during the Aug 1811 term of 
court. In it his wife appears to be deceased, as she is not mentioned. 
His children were named as follows: daughters Margaret Blythe, Prudence, 
and Sarah, with one son, Robert, who was not capable of "using or 
improving" the land. His trusted friends were named as Robert Kerr and 
John Irwin.

Additional Comments:
The above biography taken from:
The Long Creek Settlement and the Gum Branch East of the Catawba River, 
Mecklenburg County, North Carolina: A Genealogical Survey of the 
Neighbors and Allied Families of William and Nancy Ramsey 
The record in its entirety can be seen in the History section of Mecklenburg Co. NC
USGenWeb Archives Project.

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