Mecklenburg County NcArchives News.....Potts-M'Ilwain Family 1919 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Guy Potts January 20, 2008, 3:08 pm The Charlotte Observer 1919 25 Stp 1919 Potts-M'Ilwain Family Holds First Reunion The Potts-McIlwain families of lower Mecklenburg and Union counties held a reunion yesterday at the home of D.O. Potts, at Pleasant Valley, S.C., with about 75 of the descendants of John Potts, a revolutionary soldier, the originator of the families in this section, in attendance, the decision having been reached to make it an annual affair. Grandchildren of John Potts present were D.O. Potts, O.W. Potts, Dr. R.M. Potts, Mrs. Ida Potts Harris, all of Pleasant Valley, S.C.; Mrs. Anna Potts Heath, Midland; Mrs. Dixie Potts Harris, of Fort Mill, S.C.; C.C. McIlwain, Marvin; L.M. McIlwain, Rutherford, Tenn.; R.J. McIlwain, Monroe; Mrs. Lavinia McIlwain Rone, Pineville. Other descendants present included Mr. and Mrs. Leon Potts, Steel Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Banks Potts, Pineville; Mr. and Mrs. C.O. Howard, Weddington, Miss Annie Morrow, Albemarle. Talks were made by Rev. R.J., C.C. and J.M. McIlwain, D.O. Potts and Thomas M. Potts, of Pennsylvania. Rev. R.J. Maxwell gave a history of the Potts family, begining with John Potts, who was in the revolutionary engagement at Hanging Rock, S.C., while T.M. Potts, of Pennsylvania gave a comprehensive history of the Potts family in America. A picnic dinner was enjoyed and a photograph taken of the oldest member of the Potts and McIlwain families present, and a general group picture. A register was started, all of the 75 members present registering. D.O. Potts, with whom the reunion was held, has the distinction of being the father of 18 children, 14 of whom are living, and has three married children, each having 10 children. Besides these 30 grandchildren, he has numerous other grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mr. Potts is still under the alloted three score and 10 years. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb