Mecklenburg County NcArchives Biographies.....Campbell, George W. 1828 - 
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Carolyn Golowka March 26, 2007, 6:47 pm

Author: Memorial Record of Alabama, Volume 2, published by Brant & Fuller in Madison, WI (1893), pages 443-444

George W. Campbell, senior member of the firm of Campbell & Wright, bankers and 
merchants of Tuskegee, Macon county, Ala., and the oldest firm in the state, 
was born in Montgomery county, Ala., in 1828, a son of Moses and Macy (Gatlin) 
Campbell, natives of Mecklenburg, N. C., and Warren county, Ga.  Moses Campbell 
went to Georgia when a young man, was married there, and in 1818 came to 
Alabama, and located in Montgomery county, where he improved a farm, resided 
for some years, and then moved to Macon county, and for a while was engaged in 
merchandising in the western part.  In 1836, he was elected circuit clerk of 
Macon, being the second person to fill the office, and for twelve years was 
county tax collector.  He located in Tuskegee in 1837, and died in 1848 at the 
age of seventy-seven years.  In 1836-7 he performed active service in the 
Indian war, although he had always been on friendly terms with the savages.  
His father was a Scotchman, was a Revolutionary soldier, and died in North 
Carolina, leaving two sons, Moses and George.  Mrs. Mary Campbell died in 
Tuskegee in 1888, aged eighty-eight years.  She was a daughter of Jeptha 
Gatlin, who was for many years a farmer in Butler county, Ala., but who died in 
Florida, in 1874, at the advanced age of nearly one hundred years.  George W. 
Campbell, the only child born to his parents, was educated at Tuskegee where, 
at the early age of fourteen years, in 1843, he began his business career as a 
clerk, and so continued until 1849, when he engaged in merchandising on his own 
account.  In 1852, th e firm of Campbell & Wright was formed, and has proven to 
be one of the most successful in the state.  Merchandising engaged their 
attention almost exclusively, until 1871, when, together with Mr. E. T. Varner, 
still living, they constructed the railroad from Tuskegee to Chehaw, on the 
Western railroad of Alabama, a distance of about six miles.  This road they 
have equipped and operated with success ever since.  In 1882 they established 
the only bank in the county, which has also proven to be a great success.  In 
December, 1851, Mr. Campbell married Miss Eliza Jane, daughter of John and 
Elizabeth Wright.  Mr. Wright, a native of Lincoln county, Ga., came to Alabama 
in 1847, located first in Macon county, and later moved to what is now Bullock 
county, where he died in 1864.  Mrs. Campbell was born in Lincoln county, GA 
and died in May, 1892, at the age of fifty-eight years, a sincere member of the 
Baptist church.  Her eight children were born and named in the following 
order:  John W., a banker of Mountain Home, Idaho; Macy E., wife of W. G. 
Swenson, of Abilene, Tex; Pauline, now Mrs. L. W. Mizell, of Atlanta, Ga., 
Lucerne E., married to Judge D. G. Hill, of Texas; George Lee, banker, of 
Columbia, Ala., Moses G., of the Atlanta Medical college; William W., a civil 
engineer, and Flora, widow of Dr. W. J. Gautier.  These children are all 
temperate, moral, and members of the Baptist church.  Mr. Campbell is a member 
of Tuskegee lodge, No. 57, F. & A. M., and for many years has been an energetic 
worker in the Baptist church.  He began life with no capital save a sterling 
capacity for business, but has acquired a fortune and stands among the highest 
in the financial circles of central Alabama.

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