Lincoln-Mecklenburg-Rowan County NcArchives Biographies.....Graham, Joseph, Major General October 13, 1759 - November 12, ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank December 22, 2007, 5:28 pm Author: Charlotte Journal Dec. 2, 1836 A REVOLUTIONARY HERO GONE! Died, at his residence in Lincoln County, on the 12th ult., MAJOR GENERAL JOSEPH GRAHAM, aged 77 years. GEN. GRAHAM was born in Pennyslvania, October 13th, 1759. His mother, being left a widow with five small children and slender means to support them, removed to North Carolina when he was about seven years of age and settled in the vicinity of Charlotte. He received the principal part of his education at an academy then taught in Charlotte, and was distinguished among his fellow students for talents, industry, and the most manly and conciliating deportment. His thirst for knowledge led him, at an early period, to become well acquainted with all those interesting events which preceded and prepared him for our Revolution Struggle. He was present in Charlotte on the 20th of May, 1775, when the first Declaration of Independence was formally and publically made. The deep impression made upon his mind by the solemn and illustrious decisions of that day, gave good evidence that he was then preparing for the noble stand which he took during the war. He enlisted in the Army of the United States in the month of May, 1778, at the age of 19 years. He served in the Fourth Regiment of North Carolina under COL. ARCHIBALD LYTLE and acted as an officer in CAPT. GOODEN'S Company. The troops to which he was attached were ordered to rendezvous at Bladensburg in Maryland. Having proceded as far as Caswell County, they received intelligence of the battle of Monmouth, and that the British having gone to New York, their services would not be needed. He returned home on furlough. He was again called into service on the 5th of Nov., 1778, and marched under the command of GENERAL RUTHERFORD of Purrysburg, on the Savannah river, soon after the defeat of GENERAL ASHE at Brier Creek. He was with the troops under GENERAL LINCOLN in the trying and painful struggles agains GENERAL PROVOST, and fought in the Battle of Stono on the 28th of June, 1778, which lasted an hour and 20 minutes. During nearly the whole campaign, he acted as Quarter Master. In July, 1779, he was taken with fever, and after two months severe illness was discharged near Dorchester and returned home.j After recovering from the affects of sickness and privation, he aided his mother in the support of her family and was ploughing in her field when he received intelligence of the surrender of Charleston, and that the British had defeated COL. BUFORD of the Waxhaw, and were within 40 miles of Charlotte. Instead of being deterred by the sufferings of the previous campaign, or the perils of that alarming moment, he removed at once to leave the plough, and enter the Army. He was immediately appointed Adjutant of the Mecklenburg Regiment, and spent the summer with them in opposing and assailling the troops of LORD ROWDON. When it was understood that the British were marching to Charlotte, he was commanded by GEN. DAVIDSON to repair to that place and take command of such force as should collect there, and to join COL. DAVIS. The British Army entered Charlotte the 26th of Sept. 1780. GEN. GRAHAM was assigned the command of his troops which sustained the retreat of GEN. DAVIS, and opposed TARLETON'S Cavalry and a Regiment of Infantry for four miles on the road leading to Salisbury. After a long and well directed fire upon the British from the Courthouse to the Gum Tree, GEN. GRAHAM retreated with the men under his command and formed on the plantation now owned by JOSEPH McCONNAUGHEY, ESQ. and again attacked their advancing column of infantry. There his life was providentially preserved from the bursting of a gun fired by the soldier who stood at his side, and whose arm was wounded. After again retreating, he formed on the hill where Sugar Creek Church now stands. There owing to the impudent, but honest, zeal of a MAJOR WHITE, they were detained too long, for by the time they reached the Cross Roads, a party of British Dragoons were coming up the road, heading from CAPT. KENNEDY'S, and after close pursuit for nearly two miles overtook them. COL. FRANCIS LOCKE of Rowan County, an intelligent and brave officer, was killed upon the margin of a small pond, now to been at the end of MR. ALEX. KENNEDY'S LANE. Between the spotand where MR. JAMES A. HOUSTON livesm, GEN. GRAHAM was cut down and severely wounded. He received nine wounds, six with the sabre and three with lead. His life was again narrowly and mercifully preserved by a large stock buckle, which broke the violence of the stroke, which to human view, must otherwise have proved fatal. He received four deep gashes of the sabre over his head and one in his side and three balls were afterwards removed from his body. After being much exhausted by loss of blood, he reached the home of MRS. SUSANNAH ALEXANDER, who yet lives near the same place, where he was kindly nursed and watched during the night, and his wounds dressed as well as circumstances would permit. The next day, he reached his Mother's, where MAJOR BOSTWICK now lives. From that, he was taken to the hospital, and was two months recovering. Thus, at the tender age of 21 year, we see this gallant officer leading a band of brave men as ever faced a foe, to guard the ground consecrated by the Declaration of American Independence, and when the foot of tyranny was treading on it, and assistance proved unsuccessful, leaving his blood as the best memorial of a righteous cause, and of true heroism in its defence. While the whole country was in distress, its property pillaged, its houses forsaken, and its defenseless inhabitants flying from the shock of arms, a few noble sons of Mecklenburg compelled LORD CORNWALLIS to designante Charlotte as the "Hornet's Nest" of America. As soon as he recovered from his wounds, he again entered the service of his country. GEN. WILLIAM L. DAVIDSON, who had command of all the militia in the Western counties of North Carolina, applied to him such rank as the number of men raised would justify. It proved not only his energy of purpose, but great influence, that, at that difficult and hazardous period, he could raise a company of 55 men in two weeks. They were mounted riflemen, armed also with swords, and some with pistols. They suppllied themselves with horses, procured their own equipments and entered the field, without commissary or quartermaster, and with every prospect of hard fighting and little compensation. After TARLETON'S signal defeat at the Cowpens, CORWALLIS resolved to pursue GEN. MORGAN. At that time GENERAL GREENE had received the command of the Southern Army and had stationed himself at Hick's Creek, on the North side of the Peedee, near to Cheraw. After MORGAN'S victory and successful retreat, GEN. GREENE left his main army with GEN. HUGER, and rode 150 miles to join MORGAN'S detachment. The plan of opposing LORD CORNWALLIS in crossing the Catawba River was arranged by GEN. GREENE,and his execution assigned to GEN. DAVIDSON. Feints of passing were made at different places, but the real attempt was made at Cowan's Ford. Soon after the action commenced, GEN. WM. L. DAVIDSON was killed, greatly lamented by all who knew him as a talented, brave and generous officer. The company commanded by GEN. GRAHAM was the first to commence the attack on the British, as they advanced through the river, which was resolutely continued until they reached the bank, loaded their arms, and commenced a heavy fire upon his men, two of whom were killed. It was supposed that GEN DAVIDSON was killed by a Tory, who was pilot to the British in crossing the river, as he was shot with a small rifle ball. COL. WM. POLK and REV. MR. McCALL were near to him when he fell. His body was found that night and buried in the present graveyard of Hopewell Church. The North Carolina Militia was then placed under the command of GEN. PICKENS of South Carolina, and continued to pursue the British as they advanced toward Virginia. GEN GRAHAM with his company and some troops from Rowan County, surprised and captured a guard at Hart's Mill, one and a half miles from Hillsboro, where the British Army then lay, and the same day were united to COL. LEE'S forces. On the next day, he was in action under COL. PICKENS with COL PYLES, who commanded 350 Tories on their way to join TARLETON. These Tories supposed the Whigs to be a Company of British Troops sent for their protection and commenced crying, "God Save the King." TARLETON was about a mile from that place, and retreated to Hillsboro'. Shortly afterward, GEN. GRAHAM was in an engagement at Clapp's Mill, on the Alamance and had two of his company killed, three woounded and two taken prisoners. A few days afterwards, he was in action at Whitsell's Mill under the command of COL. WASHINGTON. As the time for which his men had engaged expired, and the country annoyed by Tories, GEN. GREENE directed him to return with his company and keep them in a compact body until they crossed the Yadkin, which they did March 14, 1781. After the battle at Guilford, the British retired to Wilmington and but little military service was performed in North Carolina during the summer of 1781. After the first of November, COL. FANNING surprised Hillsboro' and took GEN. BURKE prisoner. GEN. RUTHERFORD, who had been taken prison at GATES' defeat and with many other distinguised citizens had been confined in custody, was dischared and returned home about his time. -- He immediately gave orders to GEN. GRAHAM, in whose military prowess and general influence he had the utmost confidence, to raise a troop of calvary in Mecklenburg. Three troops of Dragoons and about 200 mounted Infantry were raised and formed into a Legion, of which ROBERT SMITH ESQ., who had been a Captain in the North Carolina Line was appointed Colonel, and GEN. GRAHAM was appointed Major. They forthwith commenced their march towards Wilmington -- South of Fayetteville, with 96 Dragoons and 40 mounted infantry, GEN. GRAHAM made a gallant and successful attack upon a body of Tories, commanded by the noted Tory COLONELS McNEIL , RAY, GRAHAM, and McDOUGAL. This action took place near McFall's mill, on the Raft Swamp, in which the Tories were signally defeated, their leaders dispersed in dismay and their cause greatly injured. That 136 Whigs should attack and triumphantly defeat 600 Tories, headed by four Colonels, reflects great honor upon the bravery and intelligence of their youthful leader. A short time afterwards, he commanded one Troop of Dragoons and two of mounted infantry, in surprising and defeating a band of Tories on MR. ALFRED MOORE'S plantation, opposite to Wilmington. On the next day, he led the Troops in person, which made a resolute attack on the British garrison near the same place. Shortly afterwards, he commanded three companies in defeating the celebrated COL. GAYNY, near Waccomaw lake. Shortly afterr this, the war was terminated in the South by the surrender of LORD CONWALLIS at Yorktown in Virginia. This campaign closed COL. GRAHAM'S services in the Revolutionary War, having commanded in 15 engagements with a dgree of courage, wisdom, calmness and success, surpassed, perhaps, by no officer of the same rank. Hundreds who served under under him have delighted in testifying to the upright, faithful, prudent, and undaunted manner in which he discharged the duties of his trying and responsible station. After the close of the War, he was elected first Sheriff of Mecklenburg County, and gave great satisfaction by the faithful and exemplary performance of the duties of that office. He was afterwards, for a number of years, a prominent member of the General Assembly from the same County. About the year 1787, he was married to the second daughter of MAJ. JOHN DAVIDSON. By this marriage he had 12 children, seven of whom have survived him. Not long after his marriage, he removed to Lincoln County and engaged in the manufacture of Iron, and for more than 40 years before his death, conducted a large establishment with great energy and prudence. In the year 1814, when the war with the Creek Indians was raging with violence, and GENERALS JACKSON, COFFEE and CARROLL, were repelling with signal bravery, their ruthless aggressions, North Carolina determined to send 1000 men to aid the volunteers from Tennessee and Georgia in the confllict with those savages. GEN. GRAHAM'S renown as an officer, and his worth as a man, commended him as leader of the troops from this State. He received the commission of General, and was strongly solicited by the Governor of the State to accept the appointment. Although the circumstances of his family rendered his absence one of great loss and self-denial, he promptly obeyed the call of his country and marched at the head of a fine Regiment of Volunteers to the scene to the conflict. they arrived about the time the last stroke of punishment was inflicted upon the Creeks by GEN. JACKSON, at the battle of Horse Shoe; and in time to receive the submission of those they expected to conquer. Several hundred of the lower Creeks surrender to them. For many years after the last war, he was Major General of the 5th Division of the Militia of North Carolina. By the life of temperance and regular exercise, with the blessing of God, he enjoyed remarkable health and vigor of constitution. On the 13th of October, 1836, he made the following minute in his Day Book, "This day I am 77 years of age and in good health, Dei Gratis." As the disease which terminated his life was apoplexy, its paralyzing stroke was sudden and unexpected. He rode from Lincolnton on the 10th of November, and on the evening of the 12th, closed his eyes upon the cares and trials of a long and useful life. This file has been created by a form at File size: 14.5 Kb